We in my ATACX GYM are using my NJIA UHURU KIPURA... "The Way of Freedom" Kipura, my family's unique modernization of the ancient Afrikan fighting method of Kipura derived from The Empire of Kongo in Afrika from thousands of years ago...to directly address the rash of "mass shootings" in the USA, Brasil, and other countries around the world. Too many other "self defense instructors" don't address the realities of what's happening in our streets as these things are happening [ my NJIA UHURU KIPURA addressed these realities YEARS BEFORE they happened, thank you ]. Some "self defense instructors" think that by NOT talking about and devising ways to defend against these tragedies on our streets, we are somehow being "respectful of the dead". I think that by NOT addressing what's REALLY happening in our streets? These 'self defense instructors" are helping the bad guys keep the majority of us as 'so