Go to this video before they erase the video or my comment. 

Right away...when you see that in the title they're calling the land of Ndongo later called Ndongo-Matamba by the slave name of can tell that you're going to have to be alert for the typical lies ,indoctrinations, half truths, propaganda etc that is the stock and trade of those who maliciously spread such ignorance.  Foremost amongst these liars are White Brazilian Mestres who profit financially and via social status from these lies, as well as the European #racistfeudalist #miseducation system the world over. 

This is the comment of a completely clueless Cardio Capoeirista, one +Yavor Chomonev...who is probably someone else, as I recognize this style and specifically the substance of this writing from another person who is also bereft of accurate knowledge, combat skill etc. as our erstwhile "Yavor"... 

 " I've seen you around a couple of capoeira videos and all I can say is, you are a pompous pretentious idiot. You can quote studies? On a MA that's notoriously badly documented? Wow, please enlighten me, what are you going to quote, Nestor Capoeira's Little Capoeira Book? You "toured" with Amen Santo? Great, I have played with Espirro Mirim, Poncianinho, Xuxu, Parente, Vitor... How does that support anything you've said before? Capoeira did not exist before the development of the salve culture in Brazil in any shape or form. There isn't a single shred of evidence that anything even remotely like capoeira existed, apart from a few moves here and there. Just get over yourself and shut the hell up already."--YAVOR CHOMONEV 

 I made a blog of my response to this Yamor and the relevant video sparking our debate, because I am sure that my comment will be erased at some point because it's too truthful and too bareknuckle blunt for the fainting souls that populate the ignorant opposition. 

 I mentally communed with Eshu, Djehuti, Nana Buruku and Quobah of Asante, and then crafted this response below to YAVOR 

 Well, considering your post above, let's dispense with the pleasantries and get straight to it, then. 

 First? Specify what videos of mine lead you to the erroneous conclusion that I'm a pompous pretentious idiot. Without actual evidence verifying that I am "a pompous, pretentious idiot" as you claim? Then your assertion is valueless, and untrue. 

You do, of course,  have the right to hold whatever egregiously idiotic opinion of me or anyone/thing else that you wish to hold; that I don't dispute and don't mind at all. However, whenever you miscast your fatally flawed logic as anything remotely accurate whenever and wherever I'm involved, well...that's when facts, logic and common sense will be used by yours truly to club your dooficity with the brutality of a sailor slaughtering a baby seal. 

 Secondly, disparaging the scholarship of Nestor Capoeira--considering your absolute lack of even the barest knowledge of much less the total absenceof any beneficial contribution to this self defense and whole human development system of Kipura from Kongo in any substantive way visavis scholarship or self defense practice or self defense technique--is more than shortsighted. It's...wait for it..."pompous" and "pretentious" of you to denigrate Nestor Capoeira when you have produced ZERO works of your own that's even remotely equivalent and nowhere near superior to the contributions of Nestor Capoeira.

 Third. I did not tour with Amen Santos.  

 Fourth. On what scholarship do you surmise that "Capoeia" did NOT exist before the slave culture in Brazil in any shape or form? On what scholarship and evidence did you base your erroneous assertion that nothing even remotely like Capoeira existed, apart from a few moves here and there? Please enlighten us, and let us test whether or not your sloppy material can remotely stand up to my invincible scholarship providing all objective intelligent people with the following REAL facts: 

 KWANZA [ First ]. The self defense and whole human development systems of Kipura miscalled "Capoeira" has the primary purpose of self defense. If you are spending your time primarily doing anything other than self defense, then not only are you NOT practicing Kipura [ miscalled "Capoeira" ], you cannot be practicing ANY self defense system or art miscalled "martial art" that has ever existed. Oh yeah...why do I keep saying that you're MISCALLING Kipura by the made up Portuguese word "Capoeira"? Because. Raphael Bluteau...a Portuguese Catholic Priest and racist... is the first person to ever record, write down and define the word "Capoeira". He did this in the year 1712. How did he come up with the word "Capoeira"? 

Hold onto your Cardio Capoeira butt for this one...

...he pronounced the word "Capoeira" because he spoke only Portuguese and Latin. Not Kikongo language of Kongo. So WHEN HE SAW THE WORD 'KIPURA" HE MISPRONOUNCED IT AS "CAPOEIRA" AND BOTH WROTE AND SPELLED THE WORD "CAPOEIRA". Here's proof:

If you translate the above passages? You'll see that Raphael Bluteau...however misinformed he was...still knew way more than you do, YAVOR. His definition of the word CAPOEIRA actually refers to the military fortifications and walls that surrounded the Kilombos of Kipura warriors. Something you knew and still know zero about. And the second passage regarding CAPOEIRO...which was the original and very wrong Portuguese language word that civilians who never went to Alkebulan used for the Kipura warrior...translates to: "Capoeira thief who steals chickens from the farm".

Now. Kindly sit down, hush the ignorance spewing forth from your mouth, drink a tall glass of frosty YAVOR DOESN'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL HE'S TALKING ABOUT, and observe in awe this here schoolin I'm about to give you.

PILI [ Second ]. Kipura miscalled "Capoeira" is wholly and 100% ALKEBULAN MISCALLED AFRICAN NOT BRAZILIAN IN ORIGIN. IT WAS CREATED IN THE AREA HISTORICALLY KNOWN AS KONGO, AND ( if we extrapolate from the evidence unearthed NY the towering genius of Dr. John Henrike Clark ) was probably first born in the Kingdom of Bamba at least 2500 years ago. Here's proof:

The reason neither you nor my detractors are aware of these facts is because both you and my detractors start from the racist default position of ignoring the history of Alkebulan miscalled Africa., whether or not you mean to do so. 

CHA TATU [ The Third ] . If we were engaged in uncovering the unique self defense skills of say the Nihonjin...Japanese Brazil? We would look at the history of Nippon...Japan... and the Nihonjin...Japanese people...for historical clues and understanding. We would uncover Bujutsu, Jujutsu, etc... ...including the fact that the first settlers of Nippon...Japan..are The Black Ainu and we brought the fighting arts to Nippon. We...led by the staggering scholarship of the revolutionary elder and scholar Runoko Rashidi... would further discover that the first Shogun of Japan is one Sakanoye No Tamuramaro. A Black man. Which you also had no clue about. 

 If we had questions about the unique fighting skills of Zhongguoren...Chinese people...we would look at Zhongguo...China...and we would look into "Wushu" which literally means "military art" or the Quan Fa..."Method if the Fist"...applied by civilians, including the hybrid skills of the legendary Shaolin Quan Fa Gungfu ( " Gungdu" means "great skill"; it'snot a fighting system in and of itself). We also were the first Asians ( and the first everyone else too, because we Black people as the first humans were the first to "colonize" continents for human civilization ). 

As an important point? We Black people brought human civilization to the entire planet. We also created all the eldest and most important "martial arts" of Asia in every regard, but that's a subject for another blog. 

 Back to Kipura, your ignorance and your unintentional but blatant racism. 

 Not only does the idea of delving into the history of my people NOT occur to you, you dismiss the very notion that my people have a history using these skills before ever being subjected to the greatest crimes of all time, which are Arabic and European enslavement. 

CHA NNA [ Fourth ] :You did this despite the fact that. For centuries. Even the White enslaving Brazilians admitted that Black Alkebulans were beating them, the Dutch, the Portuguese and the Arabs from pillar to post and thus halting their invasions from progressing.  You clung to your 100% disproven position despite the fact that Kipura warriors from the Kingdom of Soyo--vassal state of The Empire of Kongo--are on historical record. As recorded by The Dutch and The Portuguese. For using Kipura to utterly crush The Portuguese at The Battle of Kitombo in quote a Brazilian governor and similar reports from Portuguese war captains in Ndongo-Matamba miscalled Angola..."It is more difficult to defeat a Kilombo [ war fortified small city first encountered by Europeans when they tried and failed over and over again to defeat The Imbangala warriors in Ndongo ] than it is to defeat the Dutch invaders" and Portugues soldiers stated:" takes more than one dragoon to capture or kill a Kipura warrior because they would defend themselves with a strangely moving fighting technique..." as documented and proven to be 100% true TWO DECADES BEFORE YOU CLAIMED THE OPPOSITE by experts like RK KENT,A. de Assis, Junior, T.J. DESCH-OBI, etc. 

 I assume that you are not so lost to history regarding Kipura that you DON'T know who Mestre Pastinha is. Mestre Pastinha gave his direct testimony that his teacher Benedito came from Ndongo, learned the Ndongo version of Kipura while he lived in Ndongo miscalled ANGOLA, and the art of Ndongo Kipura alirithi kutoka Kongo [ "Ndongo Kipura inherited from Kongo" ] or just Ndongo Kipura is of Alkebulan miscalled Africa. Not Brazil. 

And every single Cardio Capoeira Angola song, as well as a wide assortment of different but impeccably sourced historical.document and cultural proof confirms this truth...Kipura is created by the people of Kongo, and this creation was superior in every regard to any facet of the Cardio Capoeira that exists within Brazil... without any doubt. But you. A no name and non-entity. Think you know better and more than does Pastinha.  And the aggregate documented scholars, experts, warriors, newspaper articles, eyewitnesses and scholarship of history. 

All I did? Is agree with the above experts,testimony, proofs, etc and provide the proof that's been there for more than 2500 years of Kipura's existence. Kipura is older than and existed longer than Brazil, Portugal or even Europe as a collective continent of nations. If Kipura is older than Europe, and European Portuguese founded Brazil...then Kipura could not have been born in anyplace White. Not Europe or anywhere with the Semitic people including the Arabs [ the original Semitic people are from The Empire of Akkadia, and The Empire of Akkadia is Black. The OG Semitic people. All of them, including the Hebrews, Jews and Israelites. Were all Black first, but that's another topic for another blog. And no, I'm not a member of The Black Hebrew Israelites, nor do I wish to be. I have plenty fundamental disagreements with some of their position. However. I am, a student and scholar of history. Insofar as objective quality scholarship is concerned? There's zero doubt. None. From a scientific, objective, factual perspective. That the OG Semitic people. All of them. Are Black. ] can there be even the remotest claim put upon Kipura, except by my Kongo ancestors who originated and crafted the system. 

The above resoundingly proves that we of Kongo in Alkebulan not only exclusively invented Kipura, but for centuries we were both the premier and the exclusive practitioners of Kipura skills which we applied these skills successfully. For centuries. Both in Alkebulan miscalled Africa and in Brazil where it was outlawed ( therefore no Whites could learn the system ). The preceding proves resoundingly and without any possibility of error that Kipura cannot properly and correctly be called by the Brazilian  Portuguese word "Capoeira" but instead when correctly speaking of this African martial art, we must always use one of its correct Alkebulan miscalled African language term of "Kipura", drawn from the KiKongo language spoken in the region birthing the self defense and whole human development system of Kipura 

Calling the Alkebulan miscalled African art of Kipura from Kongo by the Brazilian "Capoeira"--which is wholly unrelated to Africa, Africans, African culture and African martial arts--and insisting that Capoeira is the actual legit correct name for Kipura would be as nonsensical as saying that Japanese Karate is not Japanese Karate, instead it's a Hawaiian pineapple. A Hawaiian pineapple...that doesn't teach or practice self defense, by the way. But still has a history of handily defeating samurai in combat. How did the pineapple defeat the samurai? The pineapple jumped in a circle and started doing flips, handstands, cartwheels, kicks, slaps, knees blows etc that are delivered in such a ways as to forever miss their "target" and be completely useless to anyone, most especially someone looking to defend themselves against an attacker. 


One good thing about that pineapple? That's one sexy, in shape, lean, muscular, agile, acrobatic, nonfighting pineapple. It will look good on all of our plates, and we'll eat it with gusto. 

 And just like the pineapple? Practicing Cardio Capoeira will probably make you quite edible to the nearest bad guy. You would make a very pretty corpse, were you called upon to defend yourself and resorted to the useless stupidities which you Cardio Capoeiristas practice. 

 It sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? But you Cardio Capoeiristas, Yavor, do NOT practice self defense. You don't even realize how ignorantly racist you are being, while you think you're preserving and practicing a "Afro-Brazilian" martial art. Geniuses like you use the hateful slaveholder's word "berimbau" in reference to the African instrument known as the "Hungu". That's further proof of your complete and utter perpetual cluelessness hinging on literally all things involved in this discussion. 

 Let me give you an example of how vast your misunderstanding is, if the Japanese Karate/pineapple thing was too sophisticated for you. 

 Prior to the ascension of the allegedly more colloquial use popularized by my people, most people like you will say a phrase like: "What is up?" and literally mean: "What object is up [ there/wherever ]?"  Black people like me would say essentially the same phrase...WHAT'S UP...and never ever mean the same thing that people like you mean, even though we use the exact same words. We commonly say that same phrase meaning at least 5 different unrelated ideas, and NONE of them mean:"What [ object ] is up [ there/wherever ]". 

 We could say it as a greeting: "Whaaasuuuuppp!" Meaning, "I'm glad to see you again, my friend! What has been happening in your life before I just saw you, what do you think is going to be happening now that we're talking and socializing together, and what's happening after we finish socializing with each other for the day? Let's talk about that..." 

 We could say it aggressively, with a street edge in our voice: "WhasSUP?" This is a challenge and sometimes a threat, indicating without ambiguity that hostilities are about to erupt. Combat is imminent.  

 "What's up?" oftentimes used as part of a sentence like: "What's up with her/him/that?" We are asking what is going on with her/him/that situation or thing.     

 "He/she/they don't even know whassup." He/she/they are not aware of the important details of [ whatever the subject of conversation is about, or important facts about human life in large cities in general ]. 

And lastly, the brief and very common: "Sup." That phrase:"Sup" is a common greeting that is "street" but polite. It functions as:"Hello."  

 Why is this factoid about the 5 meanins of whassup important? Well, it's important in underscoring how wrong you are regarding everything in Cardio Capoeira and how comprehensively you miscomprehend Alkebulan miscalled African culture in its many varied and subtle ways...whereas I don't have any of those misunderstandings hampering my thought processes. 

Everything you think you know is wrong. 

Alkebulans and those who honor MONTU [ one of the correct names for the collective self defense and whole human development systems of Alkebulan ]  don't use the slavemaster concepts EVER.  Wherever we are forced to use the slavemaster's language, we infuse it with meanings that are only fully decipherable and understandable by us.  

That's what happened in Brazil, too. 

Unlike what your Mestres...who know nothing of this...told you? We created TWO Duaras miscalled rodas: one to practice the slavemaster sanctioned nonmartial movements that you practice, the other to fine tune and hone our authentic Kipura skills as well as engage in the vital practice and maintainence of our culture, express our souls and our selves and our communities in an unfettered way that is only possible when you descendants of the slavemasters are not around. 

Why do you think that we created songs like Cavalaria [ famous song by Mestre Bimba designed to warn us that the police were coming and to change what we were doing to something acceptable to them ] to warn us of the approach of police and almost every White person in general? If what we were doing when they weren't around was legal and acceptable, there would be no need for lookouts and musical warnings. But what we were doing WASN'T legal; we WERE TRAINING OUR ALKEBULAN MISCALLED AFRIKAN KIPURA FROM KONGO IN ORDER TO CONTINUE TO RESIST AND DEFEAT OUR ENEMIES. Which we did very very well indeed. 

 Have the Chinese who were enslaved for their work on the railroad taken to calling their martial art of gungfu by anything other than their Chinese name for it? And is not their original Chinese name for the art the very same name or names [ inclusive of wushu and chuan fa ] that we refer to their arts today? Yes? Then how can you justify referring to an ALKEBULAN art by a made up PORTUGUESE BRAZILIAN WORD and expect NOT to be behaving in a...yep, you guessed it..."pompous" "pretentious" "idiotic" manner espousing pompous pretentious idiotic rhetoric? 

And let's throw in racist...YES, RACIST. well. Because every single European slaver and European country that idly stood by while enslaving happened. Every single Arabic enslaver and the countries they hailed from. Were far worse than the Nazis committing their horrid atrocities against the White people who designate themselves as Jews [ the White Nazis were engaged in ethnocide of other Whites; that particularly repulsive form of hatred is evil but not racist. We faced racism, evil AND #racistfeudalism ]. Using the Portuguese word "Capeoira" is as MORE OFFENSIVE AND WORSE THAN NAZIS CREATING A NAZI GERMAN WORD FOR THE WHITE JEWISH DEFENSE SYSTEM OF KRAV MAGA, THEN INSISTING THAT THE WHITE "JEWS" USE ONLY THE NAZI WORD FOR "KRAV MAGA", NOT THE HEBREW WORD "KRAV MAGA". 

YES, YOU'RE BEING RACIST. Whether you mean to be or not. Because we only see this behavior whenever Black people specifically are involved, and most especially when we're asserting and defending Alkebulan culture history and contributions in the face of pat falsehoods created and promoted by European slavers that they've drummed into the brains of their propagandized masses. 

 The Montu you miscall "Capoeira" was born in Bamba of Kongo. It spread to Ndongo as the first Ngola...ruler...of that region was Ngola Kiluanje, cousin to the Mwenekongo...Emperor of The Empire of Kongo...and a deadly Kipura warrior in his own right. He brought Kipura of Kongo directly to Ndongo and infused it within the formative DNA of the country. As time passed and the years marched into the centuries, the Kipurao fNdongo common in the region of the Ndongo...the people whom the Portuguese miscalled "Angolan" [ The Portuguese miscalled the Ndongo and later the Ndongo-Matamba people "Angolans" as a direct result of the racist arrogant Portuguese misprounouncing and misunderstanding the Mbundu term "Ngolo", which has several meanings depending on the sentence: "RULER", refers to the TITLE OF OFFICE OF THE saying "Kingship" or "Presidency"...and it refers to the symbol of the RULER in exactly the way that a King's crown and/or scepter does. Since Alkebulans miscalled Africans didn't have "sexism" until Arabic influences corrupted us, we didn't have Kings, Queens, Emperors or Empresses in the European or Arabic sense. We didnt have absolute rulers. Our leaders served at the pleasure of our people, balanced by the powerful Councils, and the masses could always support or remove from power any Council or Council member and/or any Ngola. Because all Ngola are the people's constitutional monarch. Here is a very partial list of ruling Ngolas. ] CLICK HERE TO READ A PARTIAL LIST OF RULING NGOLAS OF NDONGO 

 And yes I am doing the kindness of exposing you to facts the likes of which you had no idea existed, despite your pompous pretentious idiotic buffoonery which for you supplants every pretense of knowledge on this matter. I am going to storm your stupidities with an avalanche of actual facts and true knowledge regarding the Montu Kipura that you witlessly claim to have solid data about but in reality the art of my ancestors is an area which you know nothing of, Jennifer Azeitona...excuse me, I meant to say " Yavor" .  

 This very same term "ngolo" is straight from the language of "Kikongo", roughly equivalent to but transcending the Western concepts of "strength", "power"etc. Reflecting the multilayered meanings attributed to a single word which is typical of Alkebulan language and culture and exists wherever Alkebulans exist.  Even in this day and age, the near perfect homophone for Kipura in the form of the  word "Engolo" refers to both a public and private ritual of combat, derived from the actual combat Kipura of which it is part and parcel. 

You thought you were asking a rhetorical question when you asked: "What records do we have of these people, the Mbundu, showing that the Mbundu used their martial art in war?" 

You thought that the answer was in, there are no such records. You are wrong in every possible way. Yet again. Something which seems to be a habit of yours. 

 Where are the records of the Mbundu using Kipura in war...besides the ecades and centuries of warfare I already specified above? How about the in depth campaigns against the Portuguese and the Dutch lasting centuries and highlighted by a Ngola who is probably the single greatest most brilliant and courageous warrior monarch in modern history...the indomitable NGOLA NZINGA MBANDE OF NDONGO AND MATAMBA? 

Ngola Nzinga Mbande not only completely and ruinously defeated The Portuguese, their allies and all other European, Alkebulan and Arabic invaders or fools who would test their fate by jousting with her, this great Ngola bequeathed a great burning flame for freedom within the hearts of my people. A flame that continually erupted in war against the invading European powers, whoever they may be. A war which reached its crescendo during The Black Power Movement spanning Alkebulan miscalled Africa through the late 70's and culminating in the successful armed expulsion of the slaving Portuguese by the people of Ndongo Matamba now miscalled Angola...while using Kipura to do so. The same Kipura that the people of Kongo used to expel the Portuguese and then the French in early times, and once again during the same Black Power Movement which expelled the Portuguese from Ndongo miscalled Angola.

 I will link you to  what for you will be a more palatable article and overlook some of its historical fallacies for the nonce. 


 You, "Yavor", are a energetic practitioner of the NONMARTIAL ART that is literally a exercise approved by the most bitter modern enemy of authentic Kipura...The Military Dictatorship of Brazil, which hated and feared Kipura and its warriors as the Military Dictatorship RIGHTLY feared that it would be speedily expelled from power were authentic Kipura allowed to be practiced in the borders of Brazil; they already saw Kipura play the decisive role in destorying slavery in Brazil AND ensconcing Dictator Vargas in power as the first modern Dictator of Brazil. Each time against odds which were considered to be utterly impossible to overcome. So at no time would The Military Dictatorship of Brazil and its allies of England the the USA where I live every going to allow Kipura to exist in Brazil if they had a say in the matter. In no way would the warrior art of  Kipura from Kongo. The warrior art spawning Nzinga, Madame Sataa, Lampiao, Toussaint L'Ouverture, John Horse, Ze Pilintra, Maria Navalha, Gigante, Os Zuavos, Zumbi, Besouro, Os Maltas,  or anyone else who actually fought be allowed to exist.

Instead? The Military Dictatorship took a cue from Communist China when Chairman Mao outlawed the practice of real Quan Fa Wushu in Zhongguo miscalled China, and replaced it with Wushu. The Military Dictatorship when all out in persecuting and exterminating Kipura, and simultaneously both promoted Cardio Capoeira...essentially a combination of Taolu Wushu and TaeBo in its dubious claims about maintaining "culture", great exercise emphasis and utter uselessness visavis self defense a White face and sometimes Brown faced "mixed race Brazilian" art form. This Military Dictatorship MURDERED Mestres Bimba AND Pastinha via malicious persecution in every way and malicious neglect denying them access to moneymaking opportunities afforded the various fake White Mestres...I say the White Mestres are FAKE because neither Pastinha nor Bimba ever promoted a White student to Mestre rank so who has the authority to grant that rank to White men during or after the lifetime of Mestres Bimba and Pastinha? Nobody!...and evilly denied these aging Mestres access to healthcare as they aged, 

You, "Yavor", are a proponent and exponent of the wholly useless CARDIO CAPOEIRA created by The Military Dictatorship of Brazil; specifically spurred especially by The Tourism Department of Salvador. You are defending a practice that both Mestres Pastinha and Bimba condemned, and were killed for doing so. 

YOU DO NOT PRACTICE ANY SELF DEFENSE WHATSOEVER. You are actually so misguided that you engage in anything and everything but martial practice and self defense, yet call your Cardio Capoeira a "martial art". That, "Yavor", is the essence of "pompous" "pretentious" idiocy...your own words continually return to haunt you. If NgolaNzinga, if Ganga Za, if Zumbi dos Palmares of the Jango Ngolo miscalled called the quilombo Palmares, if Besouro, if any of the warriors of the Maltas, if Ciriaco, if Waldemar Santana...if any of these actual Kipura warriors actually saw YOU do your "Capoeira" and ME do MY NJIA UHURU KIPURA...they would laugh you out of the building [ or kill you for the mockery and insult you hurled at them with your worthless display ] and embrace me as the lethal brother warrior that I am. 

 Furthermore, you have ZERO solid grasp of the FACTUAL HISTORY of the Montu [ African martial arts ] or Montu ARTISTS themselves. This is why you lack the panoramic perspective necessary to grasp the massively flawed, pompous, idiotic, and yes RACIST assertions that you are making. And these assertions of yours are racist, even if you don't mean them to be, because they assume a whole flotilla of negatives as defaults that reflect poorly specifically and exclusively upon Black people. More on that later, if you are unwise enough to engage me on this subject  again.  

I make that bold assertion because NOBODY who does Cardio Capoeira practices genuine self defense, AND THAT IS BY DELIBERATE DESIGN. Furthermore, the falsehoods which you have been carefully indoctrinated in are ALSO deliberate lies specifcally designed to get you to believe the claptrap that you just spewed in your response to me. That design comes directly from the Brazilian government, and it's called "Blanqueamiento". 


 You do know that the Mbundu and Kongolese who had Kipura prior to the arrival of the Europeans used Kipura to dazzling effect in war against the Europeans...[ because, that's what "martial arts" DO, they ACTUALLY FIGHT and they are ACTUALLY USED IN WARFARE ] right? No? Thought not. So...what did you do when you toured with those Capoeira Mestres you mentioned? Oh I know...YOU DID EVERYTHING EXCEPT PRACTICE SELF DEFENSE. Which means that you did everything EXCEPT practice ANY martial art, ESPECIALLY OBVIOUS IS THE FACT THAT YOU DID NOT PRACTICE  KIPURA WHICH YOU MISCOMPREHEND AND MISCALL "CAPOEIRA". 

All this time with those Cardio Capoeira Mestre you spent? You got swindled. You did nothing of worth or value; but you wouldn't know that because YOU DO NOT FIGHT and YOU DO NOT PRACTICE SELF DEFENSE. 

You probably never wanted to learn anything to do with self defense in the first place, because most people looking for authentic self defense won't be attracted to Cardio Capoeira which you and everyone who thinks like you practices. You saw Cardio Capoeira and were attracted to the music, the outfits, the exotic moves, the fun, etc. Therefore you personally lack any experience skill knowledge or ability whatsoever to objectively analyze genuine skill in any genuine form visavis martial arts. You are literally not even qualified to hold a discussion regarding the self defense and martial value of ANYTHING, because you lack the knowledge and experience to grade the value of ANYTHING visavis martial self defense. 

If I am wrong? I happily invite you to film yourself sparring with your Capoeira--like I do--or teaching self defense techniques and sequences which work in real fights--like I do--and I will happily change my opinion accordingly. However, I am certain that my other witless critics...will not condescend to do something so mundane as substantiating that you have the slightest actual martial knowledge and/or skill in the martial art of Kipura which you miscall Capoeira...AND WHICH YOU DO NOT PRACTICE. 

You sir, are at best a roda dancer, which means that you DO NOT do what my warrior ancestors and what all genuine martial artists do: YOU DO NOT PRACTICE SELF DEFENSE. That means inescapably that you ARE NOT A MARTIAL ARTIST, you are not even qualified to have a discussion about ANY martial art visavis self defense and self protection skill evaluation. You are at best a Cardio Capoeirista. At BEST. And frankly...that's NOT GOOD. You might play music, dance and sing, but you primarily do exercise. You don't practice self defense, you can't fight, and are clueless about every aspect of relevant Montu history even in Brazil. 

You don't even know that the songs that you sing about the warriors of Capoeira...Paranue about Los Zuavos, the songs for Besouro and Iemanja and more...these are all songs dedicated to warriors who focused on training in self defense primarily. Your argument essentially champions the position that Alkebulan Kipura warriors who bravely gallantly and skillfully killed thousands of evil invading Arabic and European slavers using their deadly Kipura suddenly forgot their arts...despite the multicentury war and struggle against slavery, wherein we are clearly recorded deploying African Montu such as Kipura.

 Or do you suggest that Alkebulans only deigned to develop our art when we found themselves in Brazil, being dominated by, spurred by, and guided by the presence of dominating White Portuguese slavers? 

This is precisely the kind of racist stupidity that not-so-obliquely champions White Supremacy #whitesupremacy and the inferiority of Blacks by inferring that Blacks can only do things of worth when "influenced or directed by Whites. This is the kind of racist buffoonery that essentially seeks to denude Black people of overarching achievement in our own continent of Alkebulan, and anywhere else we roam. Your argument in essence implies that Black people only excelled and developed what your non-self defense skilled, non martial arts skilled capacity...would term to be refined or advanced Capoeira when Blacks were subjected to the conditions of slavery in Brazil. One can infer from the above assertion which paraphrases your position that Alkebulans only developed a worthwhile self defense system in Brazil when Portuguese slavery forced us to. Your position strongly infers that if we Blacks were left to our own devices in Alkebulan? Our development of self defense skill [ despite being menaced by utterly lethal apex predators and the even more lethal tsetse mosquito which carried diseases, th combination of which would force us to develop utterly magnificent self defense MONTU skills ] was rudimentary and unrefined, at best. That is the purely racist subtext of the argument that you champion and condone. 

 Pompous. Pretentious. Idiotic. Yavor.  

Put another you think that two massive slaving colonial empires such as those of the Portuguese and the Dutch would be held at bay in Alkebulan for over 200 years by MARGINALLY developed fighters, and MARGINALLY capable armies? Remember these MARGINALLY developed Montu warriors for the most part DO NOT have rifles cannon or the like. [ You, like most White people, don't know that the utterly brilliant Samouri Toure had the blacksmiths in his little Kingdom develop firearms and was able to hold off the combined forces of France, Arabs, and other hostile Alkebulan ethnic groups for more than 20 years, despite being ludicrously outnumbered some 35 to 1 SAMOURY TOURE WAS SUCH A BETTER SOLDIER, LEADER, AND HUMAN BEING THAN NAPOLEAN. HE ALSO INGENIOUSLY FOUND A WAY TO CREATE GUNS IN ALKEBULAN MISCALLED AFRICA]

If your racist assumptions are true, then how could we have held these horrible monstrous evil cruel merciless rapacious lying destroying uncivilized monsters off and recorded such long strings of victories without an advanced fighting system and the concomitant skill development?  That's impossible. You will find that the more you press this argument, the more you will find that your position is already fully destroyed because: 

 1. We have proof...and not just from the outstanding Nestor Capoeira...that Kipura originated in Africa, was practiced by Kongo, the Mbundu and others, and MONTU practice training and application was traditional prior to the arrival of the Europeans. Ergo, all the warriors of the region...including Ngola Ginga [ miscalled Queen Nzinga; we know her name is "GINGA" because she spelled her name as "GINGA" as she wrote letters in her own hand in the language of Portuguese to the Queen of Portugal, whereas neither the King or Queen of Portugal possessed the class or intelligence to learn the Mbundu language of Ngola Ginga ] and her brother...used this Kipura in warfare vs the Europeans.

 By pure performance evaluation alone, we can see that the current remnants of ancient Kipura that survived the slaving Portuguese's armed expulsion from what is now Angola in the 1970's IS NOT at the level of sophistication that it formerly was when resisting the Europeans. With the fall of the Mbundu came again the "blanqueamiento" which was also enforced in the slave colony of Angola, and the utter destruction of Montu arts and Montu warrior spiritualits  was a top priority. Kipura's  development was deliberately, systematically retarded by the colonial yoke...because the same colonialists repeatedly failed at destroying and eventually gave up on exterminating Kipura warriors.

 Instead the Portuguese followed the dictates of blanqueamiento and killed jailed suppressed and exported African warriors who refused to capitulate, exactly as the Brazilian government did prior to during and after its "blanqueamiento" policy.  


 2. A significant number of these Mbundu Kipura warriors were captured as prisoners of war and brought to Brazil for enslavement. They promptly escaped slavery and proceeded to found and defend their own independent area within Brazil. There are parallels for exactly this sequence of events in every slaving area in the Americas, but I will simply link you to these: 




 3.These links show that Brazil wasn't in essence an effectively organized and operating colony until 1549, whereupon the Portuguese's constant war with the Brazilian Natives achieved them enough space to begin bringing in the first known en masse importation of Alkebulan to be enslaved  in 1552. Portugal began importing Africans in ever increasing number circa 1560. In 1580, there wee 10,000 Africans in Brazil. By 1605, Palmares was already founded and a known entity. This means that...almost literally from the first day of attempting to enslave Alkebulans after importing them to Brazil...these same Alkebulans not only escaped but fought off any attempts to reenslave them. This Janga composed of numerous mocambos which formed several mutually cooperating quilombos fought off repeated attacks up until 1695 or so. That's 100 years of defiance and more, despite being outgunned a minimum of 100 to 1. 

And all of these warriors practiced Kipura.  That's how effective Kipura is. 

The Kipura self defense, war and whole human development system, culture, language and everything else they could save from Africa was practiced promoted and advanced in the various there were various Janga and Kilombos. The Kilombo miscalled by the Portuguese "Dos Palmares"

 was not alone. For 50 years prior to the birth of Zumbi, Palmares was already known to be a haven for the deadliest of Kipura warriors miscalled "Capoeiristas". This is of colossal importance. Because if Luanda was founded in 1580 [ see the historical link above ] and Palmares was BOTH FOUNDED before 1600 AND KNOWN FOR ITS DEADLY MONTU IN THE FORM OF THE  KIPURA WARRIORS, then...that means that the Kipura warriors were already in the colony and known and feared prior to the founding of all of the quilombos, not just Palmares. That also means that these Kipura warriors had to be lethally skilled to not only escape but also repel invasions and maintain their freedom in the face of overwhelming numbers and overwhelming firepower....and do so with such unambiguous regularity that they inspired other Alkebulans to escape slavery and join them in the kilombos, thus swelling the numbers of the  Kipura warriors.And Kipura already had to be well developed at that time, because they literally didn't have the time to kick back and design an advanced martial art on the spot; they were constantly menaced and pressured by rabid slaving colonialists. Therefore they already had to have had advanced lethal skill which they adapted to their current circumstances. 

 Following the history of all human conflict and most particularly martial arts, the evolution of martial skill happens most notably in martial societies during times of war and/or with the threat of imminent war hanging over them. Given the history of Brazil, those times correspond directly to the times just before the founding of quilombos, the rise of quilombos, the fall of quilombos, the rise of the Maltas, and the resistance to blanqueamiento that carried us into the early 1900's. 

 Did the Chinese IMPROVE UPON GUNGFU when they came to America? No. Nor did they create CHINESE AMERICAN GUNGFU. They simply took the skills they already had and adapted them to their current circumstances in America. Adaptation doesn't necessarily mean improvement and refinement. It means to adjust what you know to work in your current environment and help you achieve the goals you have in a specific way in your current environment. If you took a Northern Chinese stylist and brought him/her to the South of China, that Northern stylist would have to adjust so that the Northern style was now operating powerfully and efficiently in the different space constraints of the Southern region. And vice versa with a Southern stylist. Neither would have necessarily IMPROVED THEIR QUALITY, they would have by necessity however had to ADJUST TO THEIR ENVIRONMENT. 

That's what my Alkebulan ancestors did in Brazil. I submit that the Alkebulans in Brazil actually had AN EASIER TIME OVERALL adjusting than the Alkebulans in the Motherland did. The Alkebulans in the Motherland were enslaved in their own homes. At least in the slaving colonies some Alkebulans could take on the veneer of the slaver's culture and language and deal with a mindset wherein the slaver is fully aware that the slavers ARE NOT LIVING IN THE HOME OF THE ENSLAVED. When you are living in the home of a man that you have wronged beyond any capacity of forgiveness, you tend to be far more alert and brutal than when you're not living in the home of a man that you have unforgivably wronged. That is another reason that Africans adapted our arts and expelled the slavers by force from Africa...with revived traditional Montu arts playing a significant role in said expulsion. The primary revolutionary forces of the indigenous Mbundu and other people populating the area the Portuguese called Angola were swept up in a rising tide of nationalistic fervor, and combined the lethal skills of their indigenous arts with firearms and incessant guerrilla warfare to eventually overthrow the colonial invading Portuguese. "...during the 1960s, various armed independence movements became active in these Portugal-administered territories, namely in Angola, Mozambique, and Portuguese Guinea. During the ensuing conflict, atrocities were committed by all forces involved.[53] The decolonization and independence of several African states after World War II, the Invasion of Goa by Indian Armed Forces and the Santa Maria hijacking, and the achievements of the African-American Civil Rights Movement, were also signs of the "Winds of change" supporting independence movements in Portuguese Africa. Throughout the war period Portugal faced increasing dissent, arms embargoes and other punitive sanctions imposed by most of the international community. By 1973, the war had become increasingly unpopular due to its length and financial costs, the worsening of diplomatic relations with other United Nations members, and the role it had always played as a factor of perpetuation of the entrenched Estado Novo regime and the non-democratic status quo. The guerrilla forces of the People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola, National Liberation Front of Angola, National Union for the Total Independence of Angola in Angola, African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde in Portuguese Guinea, and the Mozambique Liberation Front in Mozambique, succeeded in their 13-year-long pro-independence rebellions through guerrilla warfare, when low-ranking elements of the Portuguese Armed Forces staged a military coup at Lisbon in April 1974..."  


 To return to your massive ignorance regarding all things Black Kipura and Brazil... 

 Not only is it comprehensively historically false a factual position to assert that Africans suddenly developed or massively refined and elevated what were essentially rudimentary, unsophisticated Montu skills prior to their arrival in Brazil [ the Portuguese and Dutch slavers being killed left and right by Ngola Nzinga, the Imbangala, the so-called Jaga, and the many other Alkebulan Montu warrior artists would dispute such a claim of "rudimentary unsophistacted martial skills by Alkebulans" instantly ,as fully 1 in 3 slavers were killed and 1/2-1 of the remaining 2 were injured or taken ill to the point where they could not continue and had to be replaced ]; it is [ to use your words] "pompous" and "idiotic" to propose as fact the absurdities that you champion. 

  Another factoid debunking the stupidity that you assert regarding how Kipura never existed anywhere prior to being sparked by the slave conditions of Brazil...   Showing their rapacious racism greed and amoral nature, these same slavers had their colony of Brazil saved in 1654 by a joint Afro-Portuguese effort, including most signally and heroically at the most crucial moments the amazing Alkebulan Kipura of the Black Regiment of Henrique Dias...then turned right around and reneged on their promises of freedom. The Black warriors of the Black Regiment were far famed and feared as being fierce Africans, freshly arrived from Alkebulan [ which was largely true; most had not been in Brazil even an average of 5 years ]. If Kipura didn't exist in Africa, then how could the Black Regiment be risen from slavery, display a signal aptitude for warfare, be accepted and commissioned by a racist Portuguese government that was deeply reluctant about,fearful of and hateful towards Alekbulans in the best of times, then formed and trained in a Montu art which the Portuguese did not know enough to hope to master, then unleashed in successful campaigns of war on a "mutual" enemy? Again. Such a thing is not possible. Unless Kipura existed in advanced form before Brazil existed...which the historical record resoundly confirms as factually true.

 Any other time you need to get chin checked by the facts and reigned in by truth, scholarly data, actually serviceable logic, a perspective unhampered by racism, and the experience and proven skill of a proven and highly skilled warrior who actually practices not only the most complete and most advanced form family's NJIA UHURU KIPURA, "Kipura's Way of Freedom"... in question but does so with the central focus of self defense, please write another "pompous" "idiotic" reply to me, and I will be happy to return and smash you some more. 




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