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O estilo de defesa pessoal de meu familia...nomeado NJIA UHURU...mostra tecnicas mais serve pra defesa pessoal para nossa tempos modernas, mas quase todos outros estilos de "capoeira" nao pode estar bom pra defesa pessoal pq quase todos outros estilos de "capoeira" pratica para usar tecnicas para danca e exercicio. Eles perdido os habilidades para lutar usando tecnicas de defesa pessoal. Meu familia sempre mostra os habilidades pra defender seu corpo seu familia seu ama seu vida nas ruas.
Watch this video above, and learn basic,vital concepts for self defense against knife attacks on the streets. Almost none of your Cardio Capoeira Mestres even marginally practice or even partially know the authentic art of my ancestors, which my family modernized and made even more effective with my NJIA UHURU.
While you watch the video, let me tell you things that you didn't the fact that Afrika and Afrikans in Southeast Asia have long been legendary and much feared for our incredible knife skills...and still are amongst the foremost skilled knife fighters in the world, today.
All the arts of Southeast Asia without fail or exception.... including of course the arts of Muay Boran, Bando, Silat and Kali, the weapon skills of gungfu in China, the weapons skills of Japan and Korea...ALL ARE ROOTED IN THE AFRIKAN ARTS. The difference is? Afrikan fighting arts have all the wonderful movement skills of the aforementioned Asian and Oriental arts...PLUS the incredible movement vocabulary specific to Afrikan fighting arts like Kipura [ miscalled "capoeira" ]. These facts do not diminish the incredible achievements of The Orient or Southeast Asia; these facts instead prove the obvious truth that we as a human species are intimately interlinked and interconnected...and only the first branch of humanity [ we Afrikans ] can at any time claim to not be affected by the actions of other branches of humanity [ and even that isn't true; as Homo Sapiens Sapines Afrikans were impacted by Homo Sapiens Afrikans and even Homo erectus Afrikans, etc etc ]
What did you say? You want me to write a blog showing the historical proof of every letter of my words? Good. I was going to do that, anyway. Stay tuned for the next blog on this topic.
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