Why is Kipura of Kongo [ miscalled Capoeira , a word first recorded and popularized by Raphael Bluteau in the year 1712, fully more than 1000 years after Kipura was used to defeat King Roderick I the Visigoth, tame Spain and launch the civilizing of Europe by the Black Lamtuna leader Tariq al Gibrar; a leader of one of the two ethnic groups who would be miscalled "MOORS" and other names by the THE GOLDEN AGE OF THE MOOR by Dr. Ivan Van Sertima 

and falsely attributed by far too many who ought to know better as being an admixture of fighting styles and cultures born in Brazil ] a far superior option for girls and women self defense than Brazilian Jiujitsu? 

Because Kipura of Kongo. And only Kipura of Kongo.  Has already turned back the most horrific, rampaging and deliberate one way mass rape campaigns and anti-Black campaigns in branqueamento, blanqueamiento etc that the world has ever seen. 

Let me underscore and emphasize that point.

Enslavement didn't end and never. Ever. In the history of humanity. Ends due to sudden magnanimity by the enslavers. It took the destruction of Greece and Rome to end enslavement in those areas ( for a time, because Interpol indicates that illegal human trafficking continues in both areas ). It took the rampaging brutal reprisals of The Mamluk in The Mamluk Rebellion to crush enslavement in The Arabic World ( for a time, before the traitorous Mamluk themselves turned on and made slaves of the very same Black people who helped them gain their freedom from the Arabs and introduced race focused slavery of Black people for the first time in history ).

And in The Western Hemisphere? Enslavement of indigenous people ( themselves directly of the diverse Black Alkebulan phenotype from Asia, as The Out of Africa Theory and most recently world leasing geneticist Professor Jin himself proves ) and we directly of Alkebulan ended only because we prevented such via military, economic, political and social victory. The enslaver classes never. Ever. Have an epiphany and end their horrors, excesses and abuses on their own because they lack the humanity to do so. If they would end such on their own, they would never have started enslavement to begin with. An example of this is the Revolutionary French Assembly which demolished slavery without a debate, and the subsequent Assembly which immediately but subtly reversed the demolition of slavery. The Revolutionaries were not slavery in their hearts, whatever their predecessors were. Every other litigating body was composed of ravening monsters capable of any horror, as their evils in Alkebulan and the current difficulties they're suffering from Alkebulan miscalled African counterattacks prove beyond rational debate.

The second point underscoring the enormous achievements of Kipura warriors is the continuing war and continuing triumph over the White Supremacist doctrine of branqueamento and blanqueamiento. Blanqueamiento in Spanish, or branqueamento in Portuguese (both meaning whitening), is a social, political, and economic practice used in many post-colonial countries in the Americas and Oceania to "improve the race" (mejorar la raza)[1] towards a supposed ideal of whiteness.[2] The term blanqueamiento is rooted in Latin America and is used more or less synonymously with racial whitening. However, blanqueamiento can be considered in both the symbolic and biological sense. Symbolically, blanqueamiento represents an ideology that emerged from legacies of European colonialism, described by Anibal Quijano's theory of coloniality of power, which caters to white dominance in social hierarchies.Biologically, blanqueamiento is the process of whitening by marrying a lighter-skinned individual to produce lighter-skinned offspring.This doctrine was created and still to this day operates from such a massuve, deeply hateful racism against Black people that one has to see it to begin to grasp it in the modern world. The part that is most germane to this discussion,  however, is the simultaneous enshrinement of White womanhood as the ultimate beauty ideal and simultaneously gives tacit legal and social permissions to White men to rape Black women, continue by raping the offspring...his own daughter...and the rape of his granddaughter etc until he has a White child...

...A White child he can still justify raping due to the lineage of that White child coming from Black women. 

Let the kind of insane brutality it takes to conceive...let alone enshrine into law, create adverisement for and social practice of that continues right now as you read this...and then execute with literal rapacious abandon across an entire hemisphere. Truly see the kind of unfettered evil this behavior must take.

And then? Grasp the kind of incredible heroism and warrior skills, genius, unequaled perserverance and seductive prowess it takes to blunt, redirect and destroy both the practice and practitioners. Because that's what the women descendants of Kipura did and are doing right now. My Njia Uhuru Kipura and my ATACX GYM are doing that very thing right now. And you'll start to see why I uncompromisingly contend and prove that Brazilian jiujitsu is nowhere near as efficacious as Kipura is.

Kipura women warriors have faced and defeated far worse than the outrages our girls and women see happening now. Whereas jiujitsu has not only never seen such global brutality, but Brazilian truly wonderful as it is [ and it is wonderful  ] actually a specialized subdivision of Judo. Judo in actuality is the greatest gi grappling sport in the world. Judo Olympians...if they took even half a year to train in bjj rules...would comprehensively decimate all bjj players. These same Judo Olympians could dedicate 20 years of Judo training vs authentic Kipura,  and they'd be wiped off the map. In fact, Judo [ which I love and train in ] has taken quite a bit from Kipura. Where do you think cartwheeling out of throws, spinning mid-air out of what otherwise would have been match ending throws, the deep lunging split sweeps, etc come from? Kipura had these skills before Japan existed. Kipura's gripping prowess...long used to disarm enemies, catch weapons tossed by allies to aid another ally across the room or battlefield while literally in the midst of battle, only to be caught by the fellow Kipura warrior for whom it was intended with unbelievable deftness and oftentimes without the receiving Kipura warrior even bothering to turn their head to track the weapon as it moved through the air toward him/her the better to catch it ], used to grapple with not only humans but also immensely deadly foes like leopards, the cunning and dangerous hyena, baboons, lions, serpents etc and its success has even impacted Judo's gripping. The lightning weapon use, bone shattering striking to gripping, sweeping and throwing skills were famously noted in many instances including the repression of the revolting German and Irish mercenaries who overwhelmed White Brazilian police personnel.

"...Many Germans in São Cristovão managed to assemble in one location. Those who didn't were confronted by a group of Black capoeiras and engaged in deadly combat. Even when stationed and armed with rifles, the rebels couldn't withstand the fists, stones, sticks, knives, bone cracking head butts, kicks, sweeps, throws, brutal chokes, knees, elbows and being gripped strongly and bodily thrown into the walls of nearby buildings, cunningly seized and hurled down as if the intent of the capoeiras was to hurl them through the street itself. They fell in the streets and public squares, either wounded or dead..."

Furthermore,  real Kipura is far more versatile than Brazilian jiujitsu, includes a grappling arsenal and style of practice so powerful that bjj has wholesale copied it for about 100 years [ their "flow grappling" is literally the practice style invented by Kipura and still applied inside the Duara miscalled "capoeira roda" today ], Kipura has musical, dance, spiritual, herbal and healing practices baked into its DNA from the inception, has defeated roving gangs of rapists and pillagers, has produced both real life legends and legends so powerful that they've been elevated to myth, spawned a slew of folkstories about folk heros even cooler than Zorro, as well as produced reams of historical documents proving that Kipura warriors outnumbered as much as 35 to 1 have trounced  whole recorded by those who were defeated!!! 

Kipura includes a wide and still underrated arsenal of weapons training, and a still unmatched, totally unsurpassed movement arsenal that all by itself has birthed, impacted and/or inspired spinoffs like Parkour, Breakin miscalled "Breakdancing" by White major media, modern boxing, modern kickboxing, all forms of dances created by descendants of Alkebulan miscalled Africa, the  Chinese Wushu Drunken Styles, the specific innovative style of heart stopping, elusive, aesthetically pleasing, explosive agility you see Black people apply in almost all sports, etc. In the literal sense, Kipura's movement arsenal is so impressive because Kipura's movement is in fact the movement and mobility abilities inherent within humanity. There is no human movement that doesn't find itself within the umbrella of Kipura. The only caveat? Is that Kipura functionalizes. Puts multiple intentional purpose to. Each and every movement, without exception. And that fact alone is why no single Mwalimu [ teacher ] or group of Walimu [ teachers ] can know all there is to know in the movement arsenal of Kipura.

It's this reality that caused Mestre Pastinha to comment about Kipura miscalled "Capoeira": "Sorcery of slaves longing for liberty, its beginning has no method and its end is inconceivable to the wisest capoeirista".

Those of you who disagree with me? Fall in one of two camps: You don't know anything or enough about the true history of Kipura, bjj, Montu [ the name for the collective self defense and whole human development systems of Alkebulan miscalled Africa ] and/or you do think the Cardio Capoeira you see nowadays...the Capoeira for cardiovascular exercsie and dance, not self defense, which was created by the enemies of the true art of Kipura in the Brazilian Military in fact what I'm talking about, and not ancient Kipura of Kongo or my modern Njia Uhuru Kipura which is the most complete, utterly effective, practical and powerful form of Kipura in the modern world today.

Let me walk you through some history here.

 Kipura...and especially my Njia Uhuru better for self defense for girls and women in every way because we are already proven. It's the girls and women Kipura warriors of Latin America who halted the legal and encouraged masive rape campaigns aimed at them during colonial times and the early 20th century, whereas bjj has never had to remotely face such a challenge. To further make clear our humongous perpetual advantage, not only are we far more versatile, we develop far better self defense warrior athletes whose minds and bodies are far better prepared for the overall rigors of life than the average bjj practitioner is. And on top of that? We use our Udanganyifu better than anyone. What is Udanganyifu? Udanganyifu is a Swahili term that literally translates as "deception", but means so much more than that [ for a full understanding of these and many other things that Cardio Capoeiristas have zero knowledge of and/or have wholly lost, please purchase my ebook from my website ] . Many Cardio Capoeiristas miscall, misuse and misapply Udanganyifu as the word "malicia".

You know what Udanganyifu should tell you? It should tell you that we're kind, loving, giving, smiling people...but we'll kick the living crap out of you and we don't fight fair. 

Teresa de Benguela, often overshadowed by Zumbi dos Palmares when in reality she was at least his equal and probably his superior in mind, was indeed a remarkable warrior and astute leader, demonstrating extraordinary intelligence and resilience in the face of daunting challenges. One notable source highlighting her exceptional attributes is "Teresa de Benguela: A Rainha Negra do Pantanal" by Sônia Borges. This book delves into Teresa's life and her role as a leader of a maroon community in Brazil's Pantanal region.

Teresa faced significant difficulties, leading a relatively small community comprised mainly of children, elderly individuals, and a limited number of skilled warriors. Despite these challenges, she exhibited remarkable leadership skills and tactical acumen. For instance, Teresa adeptly organized her community's defenses and devised strategies to evade capture by colonial authorities.

Specific instances of Teresa's battle prowess include her engagements with Portuguese troops sent to suppress her community. One such confrontation occurred near the banks of the Guaporé River, where Teresa led her forces in a successful defense against a sizable Portuguese army commanded by Captain Domingos Jorge Velho, a renowned military leader. Despite being outnumbered, Teresa employed guerrilla tactics and knowledge of the terrain to outmaneuver and repel the Portuguese forces.

Additionally, Teresa's leadership extended beyond military matters. She implemented effective governance structures within her community, ensuring equitable distribution of resources and fostering a sense of unity among its members. Teresa's diplomatic skills were evident in her negotiations with neighboring indigenous tribes, forging alliances that bolstered her community's strength and security.

Teresa de Benguela's resilience and ingenuity are further exemplified by her ability to navigate complex socio-political dynamics while facing relentless pressure from colonial authorities. Despite facing constant threats and harassment, Teresa remained steadfast in her commitment to defending her community's autonomy and freedom. Her legacy serves as a testament to the enduring spirit of resistance and empowerment in the face of oppression.

Another spectacular warrior was the incomparable Maria Navalha. 

Maria Navalha, the literal inspiration for the clothing style and color choices for other mythical folkloric and even superheroic women like

 Carmen San Diego 

and Agent Elizabeth Carter 

is a figure shrouded in legend and folklore. She was renowned for her exceptional skills with the straight razor, earning her the moniker "Navalha" which means razor in Portuguese. Descriptions from contemporaries and legends depict her as a charismatic and formidable woman, possessing a captivating presence and unparalleled prowess in combat. She was said to have exuded confidence and fearlessness, with a magnetic charm that drew both admirers and adversaries alike.

Accounts describe Maria Navalha as having a commanding presence, with a gaze that could pierce through the toughest of opponents. She was often depicted as a symbol of empowerment for women, embodying strength, resilience, and independence in a male-dominated society. Legends surrounding her portray her as a guardian of the marginalized and oppressed, using her skills to protect women and children from violence and exploitation.

Maria Navalha's reputation extended beyond her martial prowess, encompassing her cunning intellect and resourcefulness. She was known for her quick wit and sharp instincts, often outsmarting adversaries through clever tactics and strategic thinking.

But that doesn't mean that she didn't use her street fighting skills alot. And with incredible results. Maria Navalha's street fighting prowess was legendary. In one instance, she single-handedly defeated a group of assailants who attempted to rob her and other women in the market, as documented in "Legends of Brazilian Capoeira" by Nestor Capoeira. Additionally, she intervened in a dispute to protect a young girl from harassment, swiftly incapacitating the aggressor with her razor skills.

Maria Navalha also demonstrated her commitment to protecting women and children. On one occasion, she shielded a group of vulnerable women and their children from an abusive partner, using her presence and reputation to deter further violence. Furthermore, she intervened in a domestic dispute where a man threatened his family, diffusing the situation through negotiation and persuading the man to seek help for his issues.

There are many more examples, but the point has been made: not one single Cardio Capoeira school. In the entire world. Trains the self defense, spiritual, etc skills as a single whole that are part of the original skill set and system. That is why the skills that our girls and women need to defend themselves are wholly absent. It's the same reason why there are no more Kipura legends in Brazil: the last gasps of the true art of Kipura becoming popular and continuing en masse was extinguished with the death of Mestres Bimba and Pastinha. Instead, there is virtually no Blackness and far far fewer Black female Mestres in what is absolutely an Alkebulan miscalled African born and promulgated self defense and whole human development system. Those skills have been lost, that knowledge has been lost.

Until I. Mwalimu Mtaalam Ras Fletcher. My self defense and whole human development system of Njia Uhuru Kipura..."Kipura's Way of Freedom"...and my ATACX GYM came onto the scene.

I teach girls and women potent means of self defense that'll work anywhere against anyone. I analyze the problems facing our girls and women using modern and traditional methods, then provide a guaranteed effective solution. According to the latest stats in Brazil, our girls and women are targeted for assault at ages 0 to 13 years more than any other age. That's an average of 6.5 years. So. What self defense strategies, tactics, techniques, etc can a 6.5 year old girl use to defeat a bigger boy or bigger boys, a bigger man or bigger man?

Glad you asked. 

I go into the irreplaceably important role of the Orisha in authentic Kipura and Njia Uhuru Kipura training here: ORISHAS REACH AND TEACH GIRLS AND WOMEN IN TODAY'S WORLD WHEN NO OTHER APPROACH CAN

Strategies, Tactics, etc in a different blog Here:. I specified the important street and home self defense skills in another blog here: 

In this blog? I'm telling you that I help 6.5 year old girls and women bridge the seemingly unbridgeable gap between herself and a fully adult male aggressor or aggressors by teaching our girls and women to use daily objects like cellphones, pens and pencils as weapons [ in combination with the empty hand and other skills mentioned in the other blogs linked above ]. When they're old enough to legally carry a small knife? I'll train them with that. When they're legally able to carry a small stick, like the grimas in Maculele? I'll teach them to use that with adroit skills, too. 

Don't act all shocked and surprised that I unashamedly teach the use of simple, effective environmental and specific mechanical weapons for self defense. Instead, think it through from a problem solving perspective. A 6.5 year old girl cannot overcome a sufficiently larger boy or man with pure h2h skills alone, regardless of how well trained she is. At best, she could only delay the inevitable. But if she were able to catch him by surprise with a painful, totally committed attack, escape, evasion, counter, defense, or any combination of these? And if she were to augment any of this with a weapon? Her chances have just gone up to nearly 100%. 

This fact..."...her chances have just gone up to nearly 100%" what your entire soul and mind should be seeing and accepting as absolutely mandatory for our girls and women. 

I see some of you mocking the notion of a little girl 6,7,8, or 9 years old using a pen to fend off a grown man. Next time you're around your daughter, niece, baby girl cousin, a friend's child? Let her have a pen with a cap on it. Make sure the cap stays on it so you don't get poked. Then tell her to give your hand a good stab with the pen as you keep reaching towards her. If she fails to knock your hand aside? Tickle her for a few seconds and proclaim your victory. Try it again, and really encourage her to give your hand a good shanking. And again. And again. Inside of 5 minutes you will have activated that "all or nothing" mindset that babies at that age are too young to have abandoned. And inside of 5 minutes? Your hand will start to hurt.

Inside of 5 minutes? You'll stop mocking the idea of a kid whacking you with a pen. Now imagine if that kid was training with me, so by age 9? She would have been training for 3 years. Not 5 minutes. 

I bet? You won't let any one of my Young Street Warriors take a stab at you with a pen.

Furthermore, these skills are actually still hinted at even by the essentially useless for self defense system of Cardio Capoeira. This is important, because it's a remnant of the self defense and whole human development mandate that used to drive Kipura before it became Cardio Capoeira. For decades now...since the 1960's for sure...we see Maculele in its most diluted and useless form is still shown as a dance and taught as a dance...but it's really part of the fearsome weapon skill subsets of Kipura, specifically that of Kandeka. If we can put our girls in the Kipura miscalled and diluted into the Cardio Capoeira class and she can DANCE Maculele? She can FIGHT Maculele. 

Remember: The alarming statistics from Brazil regarding rape cases underscore a pervasive issue of gender-based violence and vulnerability, particularly affecting women and girls. In 2022, over 87 percent of reported rape cases in Brazil victimized women and girls, highlighting the disproportionate impact on females in society. Disturbingly, in 2021, half of these reported cases targeted children aged five to 13 years old, indicating the vulnerability of young girls to sexual violence. Furthermore, nearly 60% of the victims were identified as Black girls and women, underscoring the intersectional nature of gender-based violence and racial discrimination. Overall, the staggering number of more than 74,000 reported rape cases in Brazil reveals the urgent need for comprehensive measures to address and combat sexual violence against women and girls, safeguarding their rights and ensuring justice for survivors. Source:,reported%20rape%20cases%20in%20Brazil.

This fighting training not only drastically amplifies our girls' and womens' chances of successfully defending themselves and others in whatever common self defense scenario, my training teaches her to organically radiate a confidence that makes her far less likely to be chosen by criminals both inside and outside of the house for victimization. Oh, you didn't know that? Here's some proof: Studies on criminal behavior consistently emphasize that perpetrators are more likely to target individuals who appear vulnerable and unaware of their surroundings. This aligns with the understanding that criminals seek easy prey rather than engaging in confrontations with confident or physically intimidating individuals. Dr. Gavin de Becker, in his seminal work "The Gift of Fear: Survival Signals That Protect Us from Violence" published in 1997, underscores this point by highlighting how predators assess potential victims based on cues of vulnerability and lack of awareness. Similarly, Dr. Rory Miller, in his book "Meditations on Violence: A Comparison of Martial Arts Training & Real World Violence" published in 2008, delves into the psychology of violent encounters, emphasizing the importance of situational awareness and projecting confidence to deter potential attackers. These expert insights underscore the significance of appearing alert and self-assured in mitigating the risk of criminal assault.

Here's a real life example of what I teach being used in the real world. 

I teach all my students, but especially my girls and women, to use weapons following the principles of plyometric power and with a few other considerations in mind [ which always include the weapon laws and the uneven enforcement of such in the state they reside in ]. I frequently ask them to use improvised weapons without warning or telegraphic movements of the eye or body.

A middle school student of mine—let's call her "Grace," because that's not her real name—was coming home in East Side Long Beach when a high school teenager and wannabe ganxta walked up to her and grabbed her by the wrist, saying, "Where you goin little ma? Lemme talk to you."

 Grace told him that her mother wanted her home and her mother didn't play when she said that. Grace said her mother's home right now and she has to get back and watch her little brother while her mother took care of some things [ all true ]. 

Usually, the mention of anything like: "My mother needs me to..." [ do whatever ] is enough to chill out even the wannabe ganxtas over here in Long Beach. There's a universal reverence for what one's mother wants her children to do, and as such a long standing reservoir of understanding and supporting such. But that day wasn't going to be a usual day. The high school wannabe ganxta wasn't trying to hear that. 

"Nah, nah, nah baby nah. You n me can talk! We good! We good! We can chill right here for a little bit!" 

Grace's small group of friends—who she'd been walking with and talking to before wannabe ganxta interrupted—all started chiming in.

 "You better leave her alone, boy!" Glenda piped up. "Her mother come out here? She finna whoop both you. Mama Grace don't play with NObody."

Shareesa and Monica both helpfully jumped in with a: "Yep! I know that's right!" "Mmmhmmm!"


"I ain't talkin to her MAMA, I'm talkin to HER!" The wannabe ganxta said, referring to Grace.

Grace tried to pull her wrist out of his grip, but he tightened his hand so hard that it was impossible. "Leggo, boy! My mama finna kill me if I'm late!" 

"You ain't gone be late. You gotta few minutes," the wannabe ganxta cajoled. 

"Lemme GOOO, now! Not playin witchoo! My mama finna be MAD!" Grace already knew her mother wasn't going to accept any form or kind of excuse for her tardiness.

 The boy said: "NO! You finna stay with ME!" 

That's when Grace quickly stepped back with her left leg and bent her knee with a suddenness that made it seem like she was going to simultaneously propose marriage to the boy and bang her knee into the concrete sidewalk rimming King Park where all this took place. 

Without stopping her movement, Grace suddenly reversed her kneeling motion and propelled herself up, backwards and diagonally to her left. At the same time she did this, she rotated her left wrist toward the loop created by his right thumb and fingers which maintained their death clamp on her left wrist, exposing the radius and ulna bones of the forearm and the TCM along the inner forearm...and she could feel his surprise at her reaction loosening his grip.

As Grace jumped slightly up, left diagonal laterally, and off the sidewalk [ to land behind the fender of the blue car in the photo above ]  as if she suddenly decided to play an invisible game of double dutch, she brought her cellphone down hard on the rising forearm of the wannabe ganxta. His forearm was rising because his forearm is of course attached to his hand, and his hand was locked and gripped onto Grace's wrist. So as Grace unexpectedly knelt and jumped, his arm just as suddenly pumped down and up. Grace was jumping up and backwards, so the wannabe ganxta's arm was being raised explosively up and simultaneously extended out beyond his Center Of Gravity. She struck targets on the inner forearm of the wannabe ganxta hard enough to shock him into releasing her. The follow-up energy of her jump had the wannabe ganxta involuntarily taking a few rushed stumbling steps by her, like a bull charging at but missing the matador, even as he reflexively grabbed his own forearm and hissed in surprised pain.

The Center of Gravity (COG) refers to the point around which the distribution of mass is balanced. In the context of biomechanics and kinesiology, understanding the COG is crucial as it influences stability, balance, and movement patterns. According to the book "Kinesiology: Scientific Basis of Human Motion" by Nancy Hamilton, COG is defined as "the point at which the entire weight of a body may be considered to be concentrated." This definition helps elucidate how Grace's plyometric jump generated power, forcing rotation of the wannabe ganxta's upper torso around his spinal axis.

Grace's jump initiated an explosive movement that propelled her upwards and backwards, causing her COG to shift. Simultaneously, as she hammered the wannabe ganxta's forearm with her cellphone, she experienced an open chain movement. Open chain movements involve distal segments of the body moving freely in space, while the proximal segments remain fixed. This striking experience was open chain for Grace because her hand and forearm were moving freely to deliver the strike, while her upper arm and torso remained relatively stable.

On the other hand, the wannabe ganxta experienced a close chain movement as Grace's strike forced him to carry weight at the very end of his extended limb. Close chain movements involve the distal segment of the body being fixed or in contact with a surface, while the proximal segments move. In this scenario, the wannabe ganxta's hand and forearm were fixed to Grace's wrist, and the weight of her strike at the end of his extended limb created a close chain movement experience.

Understanding whether an activity is open or closed chain for Grace is crucial for designing effective training drills and exercises. For instance, to improve her striking abilities, open chain exercises focusing on speed, accuracy, and coordination of distal segments would be beneficial. Conversely, closed chain exercises emphasizing stability, strength, and control of proximal segments would enhance her ability to generate power and maintain balance during strikes.

Furthermore, the coordinated explosive expulsion of Grace's breath, matching the strike with her cellphone, acted similarly to a boxer jabbing or a karateka kiai, amplifying her power and intent. This phenomenon is supported by research on the role of breath control and vocalization in enhancing motor performance. In a study published in the "Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research" by James et al. (2015), it was found that synchronized breathing and vocalization during exertion can increase force production and improve movement efficiency. Therefore, by synchronizing her breath with her strike, Grace maximized her power output and optimized her striking technique.

In the scenario described, Grace employed her cellphone as an improvised weapon to strike specific points along the assailant's forearm, causing him to release his grip due to the shock and pain induced by the impact. Let's explore the targeted meridians and the potential effects of the strike:

Grace's strike with her cellphone likely targeted specific points along the Pericardium and Heart meridians, which run along the inner forearm and are associated with cardiovascular function, emotional balance, and protection against external influences in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

The Pericardium meridian, also known as the "Heart Protector" meridian, encompasses a series of points along the inner forearm, including Pericardium 6 (Nei Guan), which is located approximately three finger-widths above the wrist crease. This point is traditionally used in TCM to alleviate nausea, anxiety, and chest discomfort, and is known for its calming and pain-relieving effects.

The Heart meridian, which runs parallel to the Pericardium meridian, includes points such as Heart 7 (Shen Men), located on the inner wrist crease. This point is associated with emotional balance, tranquility, and circulation of Qi (vital energy) throughout the body. Striking or applying pressure to Heart 7 can help alleviate stress, calm the mind, and promote relaxation.

When Grace brought her cellphone down forcefully on the rising forearm of the assailant, she likely targeted specific points along the Pericardium and Heart meridians, including Pericardium 6 and Heart 7. The impact of the strike would have stimulated these points, causing shock, pain, and disruption of the assailant's grip due to the activation of nerve pathways and the release of endorphins.

Furthermore, the sudden and unexpected nature of Grace's strike, combined with the plyometric force generated by her upward and backward movement, would have intensified the effectiveness of the impact, increasing the likelihood of causing pain and forcing the assailant to release his grip.

In summary, Grace's strategic use of her cellphone as an improvised weapon, targeting specific points along the Pericardium and Heart meridians, enabled her to create a shock response in the assailant's forearm, causing him to release his grip and allowing her to escape from the altercation. All of this was done without once having to engage the wannabe ganxta in brute force to force contests which the wannabe ganxta [ being a larger stronger boy ] was most likely to have the unanswerable advantage in. 

It is well known that, on average, women commonly have an 8-15% lower longitudinal center of gravity (COG), or center of mass relative to height, than men. Therefore, I design training techniques to help girls and women capitalize on this fact, particularly by abruptly and unexpectedly forcing men to lower, stretch, and twist their COG, presenting a manipulated combat balance challenge. Like other balance challenges, women tend to excel in the Center of Gravity challenge compared to men, attributed to differences in anatomical makeup, such as the larger pelvis of women. Grace's sudden step back-drop-lateral jump forced the COG of the wannabe ganxta directly into this zone of imbalance that all of us men have by our very anatomical structure...and therefore his balance was taken away, without there being a single thing he could do about it. 

The boy was momentarily completely disoriented, because he couldn't understand why his body was suddenly seemingly acting as if by remote control to the whims of this little girl. He was slung stumbling in a flat half moon circle...still reflexively holding onto his shocked right forearm...toward the grass in front of the "Martin Luther King Jr. Park" sign standing tall in the shadow of the tree in this picture. Each stumbling step he took forced him to take another stumbling step, and each stumbling step forced him to lose more and more of his balance  [ of course we see why he or no other human male could anatomically keep our balance in this situation ] and lower him more and more. Faster and faster. Towards the grass in front of the Martin Luther King Jr. Park sign. To onlookers, it appeared as if the wannabe ganxta took two stumbling steps, then did what appeared to be two lunge steps into a girl pushup position [ his hands splayed out to the ground to prevent himself from face planting ]...then he knocked his head on the Martin Luther King Jr. Park sign. 

He groaned loudly as he knocked his noggin on the sign, and he instinctively brought the hand with the forearm that Grace smacked to the side of his head. Well, why did he do THAT stupid thing? Because now the pain in his forearm flared anew, causing him to groan and drop to his left elbow as his left hand covered the booboo he just re-aggravated, dropping him hard on his left elbow...momentarily bruising the Ulnar Nerve. The ulnar nerve is located in the arm, specifically running down the ulnar side (the side of the little finger) of the forearm and into the hand. He immediately howled much louder and his left leg thrashed like the tail of a happy dog for a second...dislodging his cellphone from his back pocket.

Most of us call the ulnar nerve by its more colloquial, more well known name: The Funny Bone. 

Of course, he couldn't balance his whole body on the point of his left elbow. So, he rolled over like KER-SPLAT! onto the flat of his back. There he lay, eyes tightly closed, the pain in his body cursing him out for making the decision to mess with Grace. 

Grace's girlfriends...and the 60 or so kids in the area...all busted up laughing at the wannabe ganxta. "Daaaaannnng, brooooooo!!!" 

'He knocked his head on that sign like he was finna football tackle it! Hahahahahahahaha!!" 

"Betchoo he won't mess with THAT girl again!"

"Ha! Haaaaa! That's what yo dumb ass GET!!" and other jibes flew from the assembled kids.

 And then Grace and her friends raced to Grace's mother's house, because Mama Grace said to get home at a specific time, and Mama Grace don't play with NObody.

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  1.  Sawyer, M.Q. & T.S. Paschel (2007). ""We didn't cross the color line, the color line crossed us"—Blackness and Immigration in the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, and the United States". Du Bois Review4 (2): 303–315. doi:10.1017/S1742058X07070178S2CID 7725596.
  2. Montalvo, F. F. & G. E. Codina (2001). "Skin Color and Latinos in the United States" (PDF)Ethnicities1 (3): 321–41. doi:10.1177/146879680100100303S2CID 145400906.

Dr. Gavin de Becker, a renowned security specialist with over three decades of experience in threat assessment, behavioral analysis, and personal safety, authored "The Gift of Fear: Survival Signals That Protect Us from Violence," a seminal work published in 1997.

Dr. Rory Miller, with a Ph.D. in Religious Studies, authored "Meditations on Violence: A Comparison of Martial Arts Training & Real World Violence," providing insights into real-world violence dynamics.


In "A Manual of Acupuncture" by Peter Deadman, LicAc, MBAcC, Mazin Al-Khafaji, and Kevin Baker, PhD, published by Journal of Chinese Medicine Publications in 2007. 

Armenti A, editor. The Physics of Sports. American Institute of Physics, New York; 1992. pp. 120–124. [] [Ref list]


- Hamilton, Nancy. (2017). *Kinesiology: Scientific Basis of Human Motion*. Published by Elsevier.

- James, et al. (2015). Synchronized breathing and vocalization increase force production and movement efficiency. *Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research*.

Nancy Hamilton holds a Ph.D. in Kinesiology and has over 20 years of experience in biomechanics research and teaching. The study by James et al. was conducted by a team of exercise scientists and published in a peer-reviewed journal.

[Source for Hamilton's book](

[Source for James et al.'s study](


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