Must girls and women train in street versions of MMA? Yes. 

Do traditional self defense systems have what MMA has&far more  because MMA skills were considered to be both mandatory  and basic?  Yes.

 The modern BUSINESS MODEL ITERATIONS of the traditional arts are focused on making money,  not advancing self defense expertise. These businesses aren't interested in creating bettee people or MMA athletes. 

In true functional traditional self defense and whole human development practices, the street version of MMA are just the basics. The subsequent techniques you see in traditional systems like karate, Wushu, and the Montu arts of Alkebulan miscalled Africa are skills added on top of the base skills of unfettered, non-sportified MMA. This why the sport version of MMA is barely 1/10th of Street "MMA", and it's also why "street MMA" is barely 1/10th of the true arsenal of the true self defense and whole human development practitioners. And of all the true practitioners? Only my Njia Uhuru Kipura has kept the uniquely Alkebulan miscalled African gamut of practice of spirituality, self defense, healing, philosophy,  fighting, sports combat,  play, and whole human development.  Literally nobody else has.

Am I writing a blog style advertisement for my self defense system of Njia Uhuru Kipura? Nope.

You might be wondering what any of this has to do with helping girls and women defeat boys and men who sexually assault them. Answer: EVERYTHING. 

Read on, and you'll see what I mean. 

The first and most important knowledge set for everyone is Fear Management. You have to know fear, learn what it is and isn't...and not buy the notion of having "no fear". To Know Fear doesn't mean there is NO Fear. 

To Know Fear means: You have to study the body and mind's primal responses to threats; when and why the human organism decides in a split second to either fight this threat, run from the threat, or both in succession, and exactly how to use that knowledge to your unanswerable advantage. This instinctive response is generally known as "Fight or Flight" in the USA.

We teach our students to recognize that the Fight or Flight response IS NOT FEAR, but rather THE BODY AND MIND PREPARING THE HUMAN ORGANISM TO PERFORM BETTER THAN IT EVER HAS, IN ORDER TO SURVIVE. This is extremely important! If you misread the Fight or Flight response as ''fear"?  You're turning your most powerful self protection weapon upon yourself just before the bad guy actually attacks you or worse...right as the attack happens. Because you misread ultimate self-empowering Fight or Flight as "fear", you've  given the bad guys a true chance of beating you; but if you harnessed the power of Fight or Flight instinct you'd crush them. 

The Orisha play vital roles in teaching this knowledge. For example, the Orisha Nana Buruku tells this story teaching us not to surrender to fear:

"In the heart of the African wilderness, Orisha Nana Buruku gathered her children under the ancient baobab tree to teach them a timeless lesson about overcoming fear. Fear is natural, said Nana, to all beings who love. We must experience fear, for fear can teach us important lessons, but we must never surrender to fear. She spoke of Yemaya, the nurturing Orisha of the ocean, who faced the vast unknown with bravery and resilience, her waves crashing against fear's shores with unyielding determination. Yewa, the gentle Orisha of transformation, embraced her fears, knowing that within every challenge lay an opportunity for growth and renewal.

Oya, the fierce warrior Orisha of storms, stood tall in the face of fear, her winds of change sweeping away doubt and uncertainty. Obba, the steadfast Orisha of loyalty, found courage in her unwavering commitment to truth and righteousness, knowing that fear could never dim the light of justice.

And Osun, the radiant Orisha of love, shone brightly amidst the darkness, her compassion and kindness serving as a beacon of hope for all. Inspired by their collective strength and resilience, Nana Buruku's children vowed to confront their fears head-on, knowing that with unity and courage, they could overcome any obstacle that lay in their path."

If we teach our children...especially our girls...these stories since they're old enough to hear and recognize our voices? Their minds will be better armored against and better prepared to swiftly overcome life's fearful challenges. 

Once fear is addresed? We can fortify our daughters' and womens' minds with Strategies and Tactics to overcome criminals,  sexual predators, or anything seeking to undermine their self-confidence.

Nana Buruku has a story for self-confidence,  too.

"In the realm of the Orishas, Nana Buruku gathered her children beneath the sacred baobab tree to impart a timeless lesson on self-confidence. She spoke of Yemaya, whose boundless strength and unwavering belief in herself allowed her to navigate the vast oceans with ease, inspiring others to find their own inner courage.

Yewa, the Orisha of transformation, embraced her unique gifts and talents, embracing her true self with confidence and grace. Oya, with her fierce determination, faced every challenge head-on, knowing that her self-assurance would see her through even the darkest of times.

Oba, the embodiment of loyalty, stood tall in her convictions, trusting in her abilities and embracing her worthiness. And Osun, the Orisha of love, radiated confidence from within, knowing that her self-assuredness was the foundation of her compassion and kindness.

As Nana Buruku's children listened intently, they realized that true confidence stemmed from a deep understanding and acceptance of oneself. With her guidance, they pledged to cultivate self-confidence in their hearts, knowing that it was the key to unlocking their fullest potential and embracing their divine essence."

Why are Strategies the second most important sets of knowledge to have for self defense? Because you can be the greatest fighter in the world with all the skill sets possible, but you'll still be ineffective if you don't know what to do with them. And that's where Strategies and Tactics come to play. They make clear in your mind what you're trying to do and how to do it. They categorize, guide, direct, organize, and allow you to implement your skill sets. 

In my Njia Uhuru Kipura, our most basic Strategies and Tactics are in the Tier 1 Strategies. We break them down as follows: Prevention, Avoidance, Escape, Evasion, De-Escalation, Control, Destruction. Here is a very quick, short breakdown of the Strategies above and an example for each. 

The first is Prevention. We always seek to Prevent a problem or conflict from happening in the first place, so we don't have to deal wit hit at all. I don't know if you ever had a chance to talk to your grandmother, but my Bigmama used to tell me at least once a week: "Baby, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." 

So I teach my students to Prevent problems, fights, conflicts by learning how to not be where the drama is. 

In order to do that? We must learn how to recognize and avoid everything from petty children drama, adult or workplace drama to moderating our driving speed in order to not fall into the hands of cops trying to meet their ticket quotas. This is a real thing, most especially if you're African-American like me, because decades of studies prove that the police follow very racist patterns and ticket African-American people more than any other race or group, even though the others commit the same offenses as African-Americans do . As pretty much everyone who has a smart phone and internet access knows, a simple traffic stop is too often the pretext for police to brutalize, wrongly jail or murder African-Americans in particular, so developing habits designed to keep us safe and knowledge of the law in these and other circumstances are of the first importance to our survival. 

The Strategy of Prevention also requires learning how to recognize and avoid the hangouts for, the habits of, places of opportunity for and behaviors of criminals and sexual predators, and other troublemakers then not only stay away from them but never make contact with them in the first place. Like I tell my students: "The fight you always win is the fight you're not in."

The second is Avoidance. No, avoidance is NOT the same as Prevention. What happens if our daughter is in the store buying food, leaving school, getting on the bus, walking home, walking to her car to drive home...and a bad guy or some bad guys step out of their car in front of her. Or a bad guy is in the line right behind her at the store, and starts following her when she's trying to leave the store. Or what if she's riding the bus home and takes a seat on the bus, and the bad guy is in the seat next to  or across the aisle from her. What then? She can't PREVENT the situation,  because with no forewarning the situation was already upon her. Well, in situations like these...and/or times when she's made a mistake by misjudging a situation, as literally every regular human has...she has to learn how to AVOID the bad guy. 

Oftentimes "avoiding" the bad guys is as simple as walking away from him once our daughter realizes that he's a bad guy. We must prepare her for the possibility that he will use violent threats and/or profane language as long as he knows his voice can reach her; along with teaching her how to handle that situation with confident poise and fearless grace.[ That's part of the Verbal De-Escalation Strategy that I'll get into in another blog; we don't have space for it now ] . If our daughter, our sister, wife, female friend, acquaintance, female stranger, girl cousin, niece, female colleague, companion, family or loved one, consistently does this? Usually that will defuse most encounters, and Avoid further contact with the bad guy. 

But now. What happens if the bad guy or bad guys start being obnoxious, our girl or woman starts Avoiding him/them by walking away, getting on another bus, or whatever...and this creep keeps following her? What if she picks up her walking speed, tells the creep to stop following her, but this trash heap keeps following her anyway? What if he or worse "they" JUST WON'T STOP BOTHERING our girl or woman, and has made clear his or worse their intent to pursue her no matter how much she verbally discourages him or them?

That's the kind of thing that warrants ESCAPE training. 

Escape training isn't merely running away [ although "running away" effectively DOES REQUIRE SPRINTING TRAINING, MIDDLE DISTANCE RUNNING TRAINING, etc. ]. Escape training requires a bevy of stealth and escape capture training, a medley of multidistance track sprinting and swimming, Parkour training mixed with well timed, short and savage skirmishes with pursuers, and more.  

You're probably thinking: "Nobody teaches all that as part of their self defense class!" If you are thinking that? You're mostly right. 90+% of teachers don't do so, and most of the 10% who do include Parkour or similar skills? Suck, for the most part. They're either Parkour guys who suck at self defense so they use sloppy self defense scenarios as an excuse to go on Parkour runs. Or? They're self defense guys who suck at Parkour. They just infuse maybe a Parkour roll or jump here and there into their regular self-defense classes. 

But my ATACX GYM is different. You see, the Kipura warriors of Alkebulan miscalled Africa are the people who Georges Herbert...the French Naval officer who saw Kipura warriors run, leap, roll, drop to the ground without harm from prodigious heights, swing, swim, and engage in victorious war everywhere from Cuba, Uruguay, Venezuela and Columbia. Hebert was impressed by the performance, agility, instinct, and elegance of Alkebulan miscalled African warriors and the native inhabitants, partisans and guerrillas. Their superiority over troops and athletes trained in European or American ways convince Hebert of the need for reform in physical education. ...used as a model for his system, Methode Naturelle. This system of his...which is his attempt to copy the skills and moral compass for which it was used by we Alkebulans and the people native to the lands he visited outside of Alkebulan miscalled Africa... is literally the system that birthed the practice and name "Parkour" in France. 

One of many advantages my students have? Is that my Njia Uhuru Kipura has the most multifaceted Harakati Ujuzi [ "Movement Skills" ] on Earth. Plus my ATACX GYM has cleanly integrated these skills into our training in safe, fun, absolutely guaranteed result focused progressions matching individual students' rate of learning.

You should be asking yourself: "Why aren't the other teachers doing what the incredibly handsome and amazingly brilliant man 😎😎😎 Mwalimu Mtaalam Ras Fletcher is doing?" 

 This is where I pop my collar like:

Girls? Pop that collar, too!

Ahem. Had to get that out my system. 😇😇

Okay. But how can you learn these skills if you're NOT my student? Go to my website and buy my Instructionals on the links just after the end of this blog. 

What if our daughter, our a child or in a situation where she CAN'T run away? What if she's in an enclosed space, like she's in a guy's car. Or what if she's hemmed in by attackers who suddenly appeared from out of nowhere? Or what if she's in a locked room, or in an elevator together with this nutcase? Etc. Then he starts acting crazy. Then what?

Well. That's when it's time for EVASION aka:"...the act of physically evading or escaping, esp from a distasteful duty, responsibility, etc, by trickery, cunning,.."

This is another Strategy and Skill Set that MMA completely lacks, that BJJ completely lacks, but which Kipura of Kongo and especially my Njia Uhuru Kipura has in abundance. Even Cardio Capoeira Angola has the remnants of it in its body to body version of Jogo de Dentro played to the toque of Benguela. This Strategy seeks to redirect, misdirect, thwart, punish, and confound the enemy into frustrated cessation of attack because he can neither harm our girl nor succeed in progressing with any form of attack. This Strategy and skill set requires the combination of extended endurance with the #1 Principle of Kipura and Njia Uhuru Kipura...Udanganyifu miscalled "malicia"...more than any other Strategy. Whether the enemy is one or many, armed unarmed or a mixture, here is the time to be the matador to the opponent's bull. The dancing, supremely skilled, swashbuckling fencer to the enemy's barbarian horde. 

What happens most often? Is he'll attack, she'll resist, but neither of them have an advantage clear enough to overwhelm the other...which means the girl/woman is winning. You see, all she has to do is put up enough movement,  defense, and offense NOT TO LOSE. Eventually, the opportunity to Escape will present itself as she continues to Evade him, and he gets more tired, more frustrated and more certain to make tactical mistakes. 

You can tell he's tiring and about to make mental and physical errors  oftentimes by his face expression and body language. But you can really tell when you he says something like:"Be still!" "Stop moving!" "Stop fighting!" Etc.

There are other Strategies, in Tier 1. De-Escalation, Control, and Destruction. And there's Transitions and Strategic Combinations, too. But this blog doesn't have the space and time for an in depth treatment of each. At this point? We have to move into How Girls and Women Can Beat Up Men. 

First? Learn the basic skills which can be summarized as Self Defense MMA, which is NOT taught in MMA schools because Self Defense MMA has no rules, carries weapons, learns how to multifight, how to apply the Strategies in Tier 1 in combination with all the foregoing and forthcoming, etc. This includes weapons vs empty hand, weapons vs weapons, firearms CQB [ Close Quarters Battle ] etc. If you have a dog? Train the dog to be a guard dog. If you do that? Your basics expression will look like this: 

Once you have those basics? You can now add the real deal stuff. Things that require true refinement of skill along with the inclusive base we mentioned above. 

You'll remember that first and foremost, above accordance with the will of your Mother are a freedom fighting warrior. 

If you're a dancing, vibrant girl or young lady...and Osun is your head owner? You'll use the base skills shown in the videos above and add the specific physical expressions of The Water Element Principle to the skills you have. As well as the movement skills of whatever animals living in her rivers and fresh waters that you are fit to learn. This isn't some nebulous, fancy stuff that too many fake "martial artists" use to spice their comments with, when in reality they're fake charlatans who haven't a clue of how to express Elemental Principles in self defense and whole human development training, or why it's so important to do so. In my ATACX GYM, The Water Principle has specific, scientifically sound movement characterisitics reflective of the Rivers, Lakes and freshwaters associated specifically with Osun and all the wildlife within and abutting it. There are zero. Zero. Real world, self defense street functional, historically and spiritually sound, whole human developing Elemental Principle expressions anywhere else on Earth outside of my ATACX GYM and my Njia Uhuru Kipura.This means? Your base Ngoma Ya Udanganyifu..."Dance of Deception" miscalled "ginga" different than and visibly distinct from others. Osun's amalgamation of movement is the only one besides Nana Buruku that includes the Circular Step often associated with Baghuazhang but which originated in the dances of Alkebulan.

If you're a daughter of Oya, your expressions will be much different than but complementary to that of your girl cousins who are the daughters of your grandmother Yemaya and granddaughters of your great grandmother Nana Buruku. You might add atop the remarkable but basic street MMA and weapons skills the tremendous benefits stemming from understanding and applying in self defense as well as throughout your life the Wind, Lightning and Storm Principles. Her favored animals include  The Water Buffalo, the black horse, the sparrow, and others. Her Ngoma Ya Udanganyifu is sexy like Osun's but encompasses more spins [ due to her tornado nature ] and has more of an aggressive flair to its hiphop, Stomp show, athletic, combative footwork base.

 You get the idea now how vital the understanding of our Orisha are to the expression of the self, the potentialities of the self-defense and whole human development system of Njia Uhuru Kipura. 

Remember when I showed the statistics in the previous blog that sexual assaults were carried out most on all girls age 0-13, and of all the girls assaulted...Black girls were targeted the most by men and boys of all ages and races? Well, the median age between 0 and 13 is 6.5 . How can you expect a 6.5 year old girl to successfully defend herself vs a sexual predator?

First: we must teach our girls from birth to defend themselves from ANYONE. Family member or stranger or anything in between. Who takes any inappropriate liberties with her. That fortifies her mind with a full commitment to protectng herself. In part 2 of this blog, I specified how uniquely and potently helpful only the Orisha and other Alkebulan spiritual practices are to all girls and women but most especially Alkebulan/Black girls and women in this regard. So I won't rehash that here. 

Second? When considering self-defense techniques for a 6/5-year-old girl, it's crucial to focus on strategies that empower her to use her size and agility to her advantage, rather than relying on brute strength to overcome a larger, stronger assailant. The emphasis on PREVENTION, AVOIDANCE, ESCAPE are strongest in the youth of such tender age. They learn to use the obstacles of the environment to their advantage, to hide and move silently unseen using everyday objects for cover and concealment. Like beautiful little Rue did in The Hunger Games. Remember that movie? 

Third? If conflict is a must? We must teach our babies first to Know Fear, be quick thinking and quick of mind, totally committed, run and strike as well as strike and run. Combining knowledge from kinesiology, chiropractic manipulation, wrestling techniques, and the strategic use of  Orisha medicinal knowledge still kept within, built upon and expressed in the Nadis of Bharata miscalled India and Traditional Chinese Medicine [ TCM  for short ] wherein we access meridian points that most people don't know exist or have any clue how to protect from attack from my multifaceted approach to self-defense. If our baby is versed in the basics above and stays armed with a pencil, hair brush, etc? The chances of her surprising her assailant enough to sting him and escape are definitely high. 

Let me illustrate from real life experiences drawn from 3 of my students...1 of whom shall remain nameless, especially since 2 are still minors...who literally used these skills in confrontations with grown men who were sexual predators in downtown Long Beach. 

The first...who is no longer a minor, and who specifically said that she wanted her first name.. be used in this article, was a teenager when two much larger and older men [ one of whom was IN HIS FORTIES ] came up from behind her. One of them suddenly siezed her from behind and placed a knife at her throat as the other circled around and crouched to her knee level. It's clear that he was going to snatch both of her legs off  the ground, leaving her suspended like a hammock between himself and his friend, so they could carry her to their parked car without any real chance at effective resistance from her. 

One of them told her in lurid graphically sexual detail what he and his buddy had in store for her. Being both 6 inches shorter and 100 pounds lighter than each man, as well as being set upon by surprise at night when each of them grabbed her by one arm apiece and pulled her into the back alley between Tile and 4th and Tile and Florida where they stashed their vehicle in a side parking space...

...she seemed to be without any hope whatsoever. They both outnumbered her and were overwhelmingly stronger in every physical way. 

 "At first, I panicked. I was scared out of my mind. But that's when I remembered all that training you gave me," Netta confided in me. Remember what I told you about Know Fear and No Fear, in regards to Fear Management? Those lessons kicked in and helped Netta recognize that she wasn't afraid, she was ADRENALIZED. It was Fight or Flight kicking in, not paralyzing fear. She was able to do more. Better. Faster. Stronger. And longer. Right now. Then she was ever before.

The first thing Netta did was counter the knife at her throat before the other man could snatch her legs and suspend her like a hammock between himself and his friend. If they succeeded at lifting both her legs off the ground AND had the knife on her? She knew her chances of escape from that situation was next to zero. So she did this:

 She immediately freed herself of the first knife man's knife and for the briefest moment of time had the blade almost in her control. Unfortunately, the knifer and his buddy scrambled with desperate savagery and in the resulting tumult she lost the knife. Before she could make a move to recover it, the man who previously had the knife flurried hard punches at her face and body, which she managed to defend. But then he seized her in a two handed frontal choke on her throat, which she instantly broke free of by doing this:

 What happened next was in a running flurry of attacks and scrambling.,,and a full bore display of EVASION. Netta hadn't put enough space between them to feel safe enough to turn her back and flee from them, and they swarmed all about her in their desperate, intense attempts to prevent her from escape at any cost.

"I tried to scream right then," Netta told me. "But nothing came out, because my neck was still sore from when he choked me so hard. And it was happening SO FAST that I couldn't get a good breath to scream anyway. Not at first."

They grabbed, kicked, tried to trip her up and punched at her repeatedly, but her training let her deftly avoid their attacks. 

Netta told me with a laugh: "I busted that Rahisi [ pronounced: Rah-HEE-see,  it's short for ' Harakati Nyani Rahisi', "Simple Baboon Movement", shown in the video below ] on 'em. Surprised the shit out of em. One of them even said:; 'Dayamn!' Lololol." 

They grabbed at her everything, mostly missing because she combined elusive footwork with parries, redirects, scrambles, and countering strikes.

Netta shocked them with her ability to wholly avoid or break their grip upon her wrists or arms.

"I hit my stance, put that dead bodyweight on em, then at just the right time I bit the living $h!t out of his L14 pressure point [ she's referring to a Traditional Chinese Medicine meridian that I teach how to manipulate for self defense and other reasons. Traditional Chinese Medicine comes from Ayuverdic Medicine in Bharata miscalled India and that comes from...drum roll, please...ALKEBULAN! Yes, this information was already known and and in fact first discovered and shared by our Black Alkebulan ancestors; these same Black people from Alkebulan miscalled Africa are the first people of Asia, both seeding and building the entirety of ancient Asian civilization in every regard and way ].  Hahaha! I ducked the hair grab the other @ssface tried. That dude I bit? He literally SCREAMED and did the jump back and pulled his hand back thing at the same time. You know like when you accidentally put your whole hand on something you had no idea was hot as hell and it surprise you bad and burns you bad? Like that!! He jumped right back into his friend! They BOTH almost fell down!!  Hahaha!"

Netta said she tried to run, but the other guy she didn't bite recovered quickly and blocked her escape.

These were all attacks they rushed her with, at sprint speed, for not quite a minute. They began to slow down, recognizing that they'd chosen the wrong one. Getting this pretty little teenage girl was way harder than they thought. They were gettin winded, sweat dappled on their faces. 

"Remember you always havin us role play Udanganyifu?" Netta asked. 

Okay, one of the things I do when training my students is that I make my students imagine their situation from the perspective of others. What if you came upon your situation and saw you doing what you're doing. What would you think? What if a regular civilian onlooker, a criminal, a cop saw you fighting and doing whatever you're doing, what would they think is going on purely by what they're seeing happen? If your mother or intimate partner walked on the scene at that exact instant that you're doing whatever you're doing, what would they think? If your Bigmama [ grandmother ] pastor or whoever saw you right then, what would they want you to do? If some internet trolls saw this online with no sound or context, what comments would they leave? If a lawyer was trying to sue you and saw you in action, what would she say? If some emergency personnel, security, the fire department arrived right then, what would they think of the situation you're in and what you're doing? 

Thinking like that gets my students to adapt their tactics and strategies so that they don't misrepresent themselves, while also really sharpening how intent they are and how effective they are while employing strategies. It also gets them to break the "tunnel vision" that can set in during adrenaline charged, fear spiked, intense situations. This more perceptive thinking and drilling lets them see, train for, seize and turn to their advantage situations. Spin the narrative of situations to their advantage. Seize otherwise overlooked opportunities ,as well as negate problems that can suddenly arise in these fluid situations.  

Netta continued: "I could hear them breathin all hard n stuff," Netta laughed mockingly at the memory. "That's when I started yellin like I had friends in the alleyway. "Ay, Marcus, Lonnie, Trina! They right here! Get everybody and tell them to come get these fools off me! Heeellllp Marcus! Lonnie!"

That stopped them in their tracks. 

Netta already has a strong, sexy voice. I never heard her screams but I would bet that she cut loose like a ship fog horn. 

"That's when somebody over our heads opened up they window over the alley. Some dude up there yelled:'What the FUCK..!!' Them dudes in the alleway with me prolly thought it was Marcus, Lonnie or Trina. They didn't know I just made those names up to get attention, those were the most common names for Black people I could think of right then, and I was trying to catch someone's attention. Get them to open the window so they can scare my attackers off. And them two ni44as in the alleyway TOOK!! OFF!! They was OUTTA there! I mean they left they car behind, and everything. Lololol."

EDIT: My  daughter is a big sister/little "mother" figure for the second girl, and was apparently texting the girl while I was writing this blog. The second girl's mother gave permission to share some few details of the incident that involved her daughter. 

The second incident happened near what used to the Hole Mole on 4th Street, also near Tile Avenue.   Her daughter...let's call her "Lynne", because of course that's not her real name...was bored entirely to death with waiting for their food at Hole Mole, and asked to sit in their car. Lynne's mother at first told her NO, then eventually relented as Lynne pleaded with her. Besides, the car was only about 100 feet away, and Lynne's mother made sure that she locked the door so Lynne was safe. Lynne's mother told Lynne to keep all the doors locked, don't touch ANY. THING. And wait there like a good little girl. Lynne usually does exactly what she's told, so Lynne's mother returned to get their food from the Hole Mole.

Unbeknownst to her mother, Lynne decided that the car was a bit too uncomfortably warm and...directly against her mother's expressed and specified orders...cracked the passenger side door open to let a sliver of cool air in. Then she returned to her videogame on her  iPad, and was completely engrossed...totally unaware the world outside of her video game...within seconds. [ You know how kids do that, right? ]

It seemed to Lynne like the next split second, a giant hand grabbed her by the front of her shirt and snatched her completely clear of the car. A White man dressed in all dark clothes seized her by the front of her jean jacket with one big paw and not only pulled her from the car in one swift move, he had her feet completely off the ground. The bottom of Lynne's little shoes were dangling at literally the height of the bottom of the rearside passenger door window. Lynne was so startled that her iPad dropped from her shocked fingers, and she was too surprised even to scream. 

Somehow...even though nobody else in the Hole Mole saw anything happening in the shadow drenched parking lot...Lynne's mother, with a mother's intuition about her children, suddenly looked up at Lynne. She saw her baby's hair clearly silhoutted in the night at a height above the roof of the car, a place she could never reach on her own. Ultimate adrenaline fired through her heart and without even thinking about it she raced out of The Hole Mole faster than Sha'Carri Richardson.

And that's when she saw her baby go into action.

Lynne...with the total fearlessness and total commitment that young kids are known for...literally placed the bottom of both her feet on the passenger side window and used the window to push herself towards the man holding her in the same way that MMA athletes push off the cage to attack their opponents. 

The criminal...whose masked face snapped to look at Lynne's mother's explosive arrival on the scene in full Mama Bear mode...never saw Lynne aim the crown of the pile of her many curls of hair atop her adorable little head at his nose until it was too late. She cracked him with a full powered "Kichwa cha Kondoo Mume", "Head of the Ram"...and it's downright eye watering how painful a full force, totally committed body and mind headbutt from even a baby as little as Lynne was at that time can actually be.

The man made a half muffled grunting sound, and let little Lynne go. 

But little Lynne didn't let HIM go. She latched onto him like a little adorable leopard cub and just chomped down hard with her baby teeth on his right pectoralis muscle like nobody's business. 

In a panic, the criminal pushed with full grown man strength at little Lynne's head, detaching her, a bit of his skin and a part of the cloth of his button down shirt from his chest and driving her back and hard into the front passenger tire of Lynne's mother's car. Lynne made a sound that seemed like a cross between the growl and pained yelp of a leopard cub... which put a rocket booster in Lynne's mother's back, propelling her already flying feet into space travel speed. 

Lynne's mother raised her pink canister of pepper spray as she closed on the man, who instantly combined tightly closing his eyes to avoid the agonizing spray's effects with ducking away from the cannister with running away low and awkwardly to her right... he never saw the left leg TekeNusu Mwezi...miscalled in Brazilian Portuguese version of Capoeira "Meia Lua de Compasso"...that she blasted him with until it cracked him in the neck/jaw region. Yes, Lynne's mother started training with me before Lynne was old enough to attend class, so she had a couple years or so of training under her belt. 

The police said in their report that Lynne took a tiny plug out of the criminal's chest muscle and Lynne's mother's kick fractured his cheek, nose, knocked out one tooth and loosened another. The predator? Failed in his attempt to sue Lynne's mother in civil court for damages due to the beating he deservedly took, and still has 14 more years to serve behind bars, after already serving 10.

The last situation I'll bring up is much shorter, involving a girl who was 7 years old at the time. She was in Walmart with her mother, standing at the end of the aisle while browsing items with her mother. Out of nowhere, this White man strolled casually by...and literally tried to snatch her off her feet and make a run for it with her in his arms. 

But he missed entirely. 

The girl sensed the man and his ill intentions in that pure way that young children are sometimes able to do. And as he made a grab for her, she literally deflected away the hand closest to her with the item she instinctively snatched off the rack in front of her, tucked and rolled at ankle height [ for a full grown man ] on the shiny Walmart floor...rolling right under his grabbing arms and coming up at a full run to her mother. Her mother saw the whole thing and caught her baby into her arms, as she...thinking fast...turned her shopping cart laden with items sideways to block pursuit of herself and her daughter as she ran away screaming for help. 

Remember that drill I told you about, where I teach kids to go Barry Bonds with a pen, pencil, tablet or some other common item they may have in their possession or in reach if someone grabs at them, then run away? That's exactly what this girl did here. Her mother couldn't stop thanking me for training her daughter.

The man got away, but the mother and the daughter were safe.

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1. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) - "The Foundations of Chinese Medicine" by Giovanni Maciocia (2005). Giovanni Maciocia is a renowned expert in Chinese Medicine, with decades of experience in practice and teaching.

2. Nadis - "The Yoga Tradition: Its History, Literature, Philosophy and Practice" by Georg Feuerstein (2001). Georg Feuerstein was a leading authority on Yoga and Indian philosophy, with numerous publications on the subject.

3. Ayurvedic Medicine - "The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies" by Vasant Lad (1999). Vasant Lad is a respected Ayurvedic physician and educator, widely recognized for his contributions to Ayurveda.

4. Egyptian Medicine - "Ancient Egyptian Medicine" by John F. Nunn (2002). John F. Nunn was an esteemed Egyptologist specializing in ancient Egyptian culture and medicine.

5. Kipura - "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu (5th century BC). Sun Tzu, an ancient Chinese military strategist, authored this classic text on warfare and strategy.

6. Capoeira - "Capoeira: A Brazilian Art Form" by Bira Almeida (1993). Bira Almeida, also known as Mestre Acordeon, is a highly respected Capoeira master and scholar.

7. Female Orisha - "Yemoja: Gender, Sexuality, and Creativity in the Latina/o and Afro-Atlantic Diasporas" by Solimar Otero (2013). Solimar Otero is an anthropologist and scholar specializing in Afro-Caribbean religions and cultures.

8. Kinesiology for Self Defense - "The Little Black Book of Violence: What Every Young Man Needs to Know About Fighting" by Lawrence A. Kane and Kris Wilder (2009). Lawrence A. Kane and Kris Wilder are martial arts experts with extensive experience in self-defense training.

9. Psychology of Criminals - "The Anatomy of Violence: The Biological Roots of Crime" by Adrian Raine (2013). Adrian Raine is a renowned criminologist and neuroscientist, known for his research on the biological basis of criminal behavior.

10. Fight or Flight, Combat Adrenaline - "On Combat: The Psychology and Physiology of Deadly Conflict in War and in Peace" by Dave Grossman and Loren W. Christensen (2008). Dave Grossman is a retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel and psychologist, and Loren W. Christensen is a martial artist and retired police officer.

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