Female Kipura Assassin

Aveline de Grandpre, Assassin. Kipura warrior

You don't practice real, fighting "capoeira". You practice Cardio Capoeira, the exercise oriented, non self defense stuff. What you don't know and what your Mestre won't tell you is this: the rise of Cardio Capoeira killed Mestres Bimba and Pastinha, and further divided Brazil and the world along racial, gender, nationalist, religious, and class lines. The real "capoeira"...the fighting stuff from Afrika adapted modifed upgraded modernized and disseminated in my NJIA UHURU KIPURA [ NJIA UHURU is Swahili and means: "The Way of Freedom", KIPURA is the CORRECT AND ORIGINAL TERM OF THE LANGUAGE OF KIKONGO WHICH THE PORTUGUESE MISPRONOUNCED AS "CAPOEIRA" AND WHICH RAFAEL BLUTEAU DOCUMENTED IN 1712 ] which is to Cardio Capoeira what Gracie Jiujitsu is to Jujutsu, what JEET KUNE DO is to Shaolin Gungfu...UNITES us along racial, gender, national, religous, class lines and tolerates all sexual preferences, etc. We are embraced as a human family...flaws and all...because we keep and tell the real historical truth, keep and train our hybrid Afrikan rooted philosophy and spirituality, and most importantly...we tell the truth to all. Even those who won't listen. Like your Mestres and their organizations, whose salary, ego, and social status is threatened by the real truth that I and we show via the annals of history.

Don't believe me? I'll prove it.

Let us first examine the birthdates of Mestres Pastinha [ who is older than Mestre Bimba ] and Mestre Bimba. Pastinha was born in 1889, Bimba was born in 1899...ten years later. The dominant style of "capoeira" that was most known in Brazil during the time of their birth was the "fighting" style of the "Maltas", and the even more feared fighting style of Kipura as practiced by the "jagunco". CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE OF THE JAGUNCO, THE ASSASSINS, WHO TERRIFIED AND DEFIED THE BRAZILIAN MILITARY TO REMAIN UNDEFEATED TO THIS VERY DAY

 As  historical documents left by the newspapers, police, personal papers of professional Brazilian soldiers, sailors and mercenaries, politicians and many others at the time show..."capoeira" was known because of the deadly and extremely stubborn combat skills of the Kipura warriors of THE EMPIRE OF KONGO, THE CREATOR OF KIPURA. KIPURA IS "CAPOEIRA", THEREFORE ALL "CAPOEIRA" REFERENCES SHOULD BE REPLACED BY THE TERM "KIPURA", AND AFRIKA NEEDS TO BE THE SOURCE WHICH VERIFIES AND CONTEXTUALIZES ALL OF THE INFORMATION ON THE SUBJECT. BRAZIL CONTRIBUTED ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO THE ART OF KIPURA. West and Central Afrika

This was highly disconcerting to the White Brazilian owners of slaves, and all European owners of slaves.

To further complicate matters, the White Brazilians of two cities...Rio and Recife...found their usual disrespectful treatment of Afrikans to be sharply halted whenever and wherever groups of brave, brilliant, incredibly skilled, stealthy, highly outnumbered "capoeiristas" banded together to form the the slang of that time, it was called "the ground". Rich White Brazilians, and White Brazilian police and military personnel christened these groups as "Maltas".

The Maltas formed due to the death dealing brutality and increase in persecution of "capoeiristas" mandated by the King of Portugal when King Joao...fleeing the advance of Napolean's troops, the same Napolean whose soldiers were  defeated by Afrikans practicing KIPURA in Haiti [ see two of the most legendary leaders of The Haitian Revolution, TOUSSAINT LOUVERTURE and the fierce and terrible adjutant and lieutenant to Toussaint, the mighty JEAN-JACQUES DESSALINES ]...came to the shores of what was then the colony of Brazil, part of The Empire of Portugual. Already a fierce and narrow minded racist, Don Joao the Sixth of Portugal remembered that Afrikans practicing our Kipura of Kongo already inflicted severe defeats upon all of Europe's leading powers. France, England, the Dutch, the Spanish and even a devastatingly crushing defeat of Portugal at The Battle of Kitombo. <--CLICK HERE TO READ THE DETAILS.

Nestor Capoeira and many other brilliant researchers uncovered a plethora of documents from all levels and sections of Brazilian society indicating that the "capoeira" of the times was the brilliant, deadly, cunning, aesthetically pleasing and lethal, legend building "fighting capoeira" of the Maltas. This style of "capoeira" held sway in two major cities...the capital of Rio, and the city of Recife. When the Maltas of these cities were finally destroyed after 81 years of incredibly brilliant, incredibly gallant, ruthlessly determined read that right, it took the police and authorities EIGHTY ONE YEARS to destroy the Maltas whom they greatly outnumbered and outgunned, with an advantage numbering in some instances as much as 35 to 1...a different style of "capoeira" took root and sprouted in Salvador. This "capoeira"...having absorbed a quiltwork of Afrikan influences, including ritual, dance, play and the berimbau...came into being in the early 1900's. The Malta styles of Rio and Recife were the fighting responses of Afrikans seeking to stave off ruthless extermination and reenslavement. Most Afrikans were not fooled by the passage of The Golden Law of Princess Isabella of Portugal allegedly banning slavery. We knew that the owners of slaves would continue to enforce slavery wherever whenever and however they could. The Maltas were vital instruments in fighting for our freedom, and many fugitives of Afrikan descent flocked to the Maltas to both avoid reenslavement and strike back at those seeking to enslave them. Very soon, free Blacks, mulattoes, poor whites, the scum of the streets, politicians police military men and businessmen of all ranks, and rich businessmen joined the Maltas. In fact, many rich White businessmen protected the Maltas and used them as their personal, private army. They would assassinate rivals, act as bodyguards for the businessmen, etc. The exchange of favors was not one sided as many latter day White historians falsely claimed,, but rather a quid pro quo. The Maltas had all the relevant information to inform the enemies of their employers of the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of their employers...and these same enemies could very well employ the Maltas to assassinate rivals who THOUGHT they were the bosses and employers of these Black men, and thus felt entitled to impertinently disrespect these warriors of Afrikan blood.<--CLICK HERE TO READ MORE INFORMATION ON THE MALTAS.

This history is vital, as this history is what informed the early lives of and inspired the early practices of Mestres Pastinha and Bimba. This history IS THE HISTORY OF KIPURA IN BRAZIL, AS KIPURA IS the FIGHTING "capoeira". ALL "CAPOEIRA" LEGENDS OF BRAZIL AND ELSEWHERE ACTUALLY PRACTICED KIPURA, NEVER EVER THE "CARDIO CAPOEIRA" THAT BRAZIL, EUROPE AND THE AMERICAS POPULARIZED.

Kipura from Afrika was the art of Nganga Nzumbi [ whom you miscall Zumbi dos Palmares ]. Kipura was the art of the Ngola ya Benguela kwa Brazil, whose CORRECT AFRIKA NAME WE DO NOT KNOW, but whom you miscall Reina Teresa de Benguela. Kipura was the fighting art of every Malta and every single proven warrior legend of Brasil and The Americas. Kipura was the art of  THE INCREDIBLE JOHN HORSE, WHO IS THE ONLY AFRIKAN TO REPEATEDLY DEFEAT THE ARMIES OF THE U.S.A. DURING COLONIAL TIMES AND ESCAPE TO FREEDOM IN MEXICO. HE AND HIS PEOPLE WERE NEVER CONQUERED, AND THE USA KNEW BETTER TO EVER TRY TO GO TO WAR WITH HIM AGAIN.Besouro. Madame Sataa. Maria doze Homems and Angelica Endiabrada [ "the Brat" ].CLICK HERE TO READ HOW THESE TWO WOMEN DEFEATED MORE THAN TWELVE ARMED FIGHTING MEN WITH EASE.

Kipura was the art of the mighty, brilliant, daring, supertalented, overlooked superhero, the Asante Quobah.  Also Kipura is the art of Cobrinha Verde,the brilliant fierce cousin of Besouro. In short, literally every single legend of "capoeira" in the history of Brazil is a warrior of Kipura because in the Portuguese language which Afrikans were forced to use, we Afrikans couldn't say KIPURA, we had to say: "CAPOEIRA". This was part of the long known pogrom of stripping our language, cultural identity and history from us in order to mentally forge us into perpetual slaves. 

The only style of "capoeira" that was created by a Black person that wasn't explicitly a "fighting" style was the personalized style of Pastinha. Ironically, Pastinha himself learned the "fighting capoeira" and applied it throughout much of his early life.

Bimba sought to both return Kipura to its original fighting roots AND modernize it for his times in order to save it from extinction at the hands of the horrifically racist government of Brazil. In order to do so, he even had to forego the use of the name "Capoeira", for the Whites of Brazil still feared, hated and maligned anything connected to the word "Capoeira" [ which, let us never forget, is the mispronounciation and misspelling of the word and art of KIPURA OF KONGO, which RAFAEL BLUTEAU FIRST WROTE HERE. CLICK ON THIS SENTENCE TO LITERALLY SEE THE FIRST EVER WRITTEN RECORD OF THE WORD 'CAPOEIRA'. [ NO, THE TUPI "INDIANS" DIDN'T CREATE THE WORD, NOR WAS IT CREATED AS A WAY TO DESCRIBE THE COMBAT BETWEEN ESCAPING AFRIKANS AND SLAVEHUNTERS IN THE OPEN FIELDS THAT SPREAD FOR MILES BEFORE THE FORESTS BEGAN ]. This is why he used the term "Luta Regional Bahiana"

In all matters of combat, the brilliant brave Mestre Bimba preferred his Regional, famous for its "Curso Emboscada" which focused on Ambush defense and weapon offense and defense skills. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE REGIONAL COURSE OF BIMBAS AS PRESERVED BY FILHOS DE BIMBA CALIFORNIA His Curso Emboscadas were clear throwbacks to the skills of the authentinc Kipura warriors, the legendary fighting so-called "capoeiristas"... who so terrified White Brazil, and Dictator Vargas of Brazil was not a fan of such teaching.

So what happened? Why did the magnificent war art of Besouro and Zumbi, of Teresa de Benguela and Maria doze homens, become this ridiculous farce that is Cardio Capoeira?

Three words: Racism. Politics. Corruption.


Yes. It's that serious.

First and foremost? Kipura of FIGHTING "Capoeira"...the REAL deal...was NEVER legalized in Brasil. ONLY the SPORT of Regional received sanction as "the national gymnastics of Brasil" from Dictator Vargas. Dictator...then President, and in 1936, Dictator again...Getulio Vargas gave PROVISIONAL license to Mestre Bimba to teach his Regional. But only in enclosed areas, subject to legal licensing and frequent unannounced inspection by local police. Further, the enclosed space...the first academy/gymnasium in recorded "capoeira" history of Brazil...had to be within close proximity of the police. Getulio Vargas took these precautions in order to ensure that the "fighting capoeira" of the Maltas [ which they never extinguished ] would not return and bedevil White Brazilian authorities.

Why was this such a major concern? Well...remember your history.

Brazil was literally a newly formed Republic during the early 1900's. It only recently acquired its freedom from Portugal. The Republic of the United States of Brasil...the first official name of this country...came into existence in 1889. The year after the abolition of slavery. The same year that saw extreme police persecution of all people of Afrikan blood and the extended, bloody, horrible wars that ended with the destruction of the largest Maltas. If you recall, 1889 is the year that Pastinha was born. Pastinha's teacher...the old man Bento...knew both Malta and Ngolo/Angola "capoeira", although he was far more proficient in the Ngolo because that is the art that he...Benedito...learned as a child in Benguela, Angola, Afrika. Because of the recent independence of Brasil, the whole of the country was in a social and political uproar. Many people were trying to establish themselves as the new supreme power in Brasil.

The rich and powerful White men of Brasil divided into factions and fought amongst each other. The initially victorious group formed The Old Republic, whose last leader was President Washington. The Old Republic was entirely corrupted, rotating power between the dominant states of Minas Gerais and Sao Paulo. The Old Republic pretended to be democratic but in reality, it never was. From 1889-1931, relentless political infighting kept the former and oftentimes still current slaveowners fighting amongst themselves politically, and periodically this political infighting broke out into civil skirmishes amongst factions.

When Dictator Getulio Vargas finally ascended to power, he ruthlessly sought to consolidate his power by destroying all opposition. Like The Old Republic before him, he restricted the right to vote, and oftentimes outlawed it altogether. The Old Republic before him...Getulio Vargas could only tolerate "capoeira" and "capoeiristas" insofar as they served his political whims and remained subservient to him. Unlike The Old Republic, though, Getulio Vargas neither believed for one second that the "capoeiristas" would serve him faithfully nor did he believe that exterminating them would be easy. He in fact knew that he was unlikely to destroy every vestige of the art and its practitioners. Unlike his predecessors, he learned from their failures to totally destroy "capoeira" along with the Maltas, despite 81 years of persecution.

Instead of seeking to destroy "capoeira", he decided to coopt it. He would allow hand picked "capoeira" to teach under his strict rule, if they registered and submitted to police control.[He knew that the most troublesome of "capoeira" fighters, the best and most dangerous of far, far more talented combatively than Bimba and Pastinha combined...would NEVER yield to his demands, as they never yielded to the corrupt rule of The Old Republic. We are talking of the first King of the Cangaceiros [ Bandits ], Antonio Silva. And the second King of the Cangaceiros, the infamous Lampiao. And many many others.

The picture above is of the legendary beauty and girlfriend of Lampiao, "Maria Bonita", and the terrifying legend himself, Lampiao. For those of you who doubt Lampiao's Afrikan blood? Look at the skin features, range of color, etc of the Eritreans, the Afrikans in Southeast Asia, etc. The MAJORITY of us include the color, hair, and features that Lampiao has among the many looks shades and features of our Afrikan heritage..without having to be "mixed" at all.

 [ Lampiao is a revered figure in "Capoeira" lore, and is counted among the heroes of Afrikan blood.]

With the country so recently in an uproar and with enemies on all sides and even worse...with World War 2 brewing...Getulio Vargas had to go to extremes to maintain his power. And he spared no effort with the expungement of Kipura. Foreshadowing and inspiring the actions of Mao's China expelling the Gungfu [ "Kung Fu" ] Sifu of China in order to remove potential political threats and teachers of a revolutionary army that would overthrow Mao, and preceding the actions of many modern governments seeking to profit from formerly illegal drug use by legalizing recreational drugs like marijuana, Getulio legalized specifically Bimba's form of "capoeira" long as the "capoeiristas" agreed to champion Getulio's politics and abide by a laundry list of restrictions. If the "capoeirista" even DREAMED of violating Getulio's restrictions? That "capoeirista" would receive brutal punishment, deportation, jail and/or death. This approach was highly effective and widely admired by dictators and corrupt governments worldwide. It was so admired, in fact, that China's Chairman Mao would use Brazil's example when he outlawed real fighting gungfu and replaced it with his Demonstration Wushu, which has zero fighting applications but emphasizes the beauty and athleticism of the techniques in a collection of skills referred to as TAOLU.

Pastinha never registered his version of "Capoeira Angola"[which is merely one of thousands of different expressions of "Capoeira Angola", as each "Angoleiro" had his/her own personal expression of the style ] as a "sport". He sought to register his "Capoeira Angola" as a cultural study of movement and philosophy which required certification under the Education department of the government of Brasil.  As shown in the excellent book below, which shows all the proof in its documentation:

That is the reason that Pastinha's "Capoeira Angola" is devoid of self defense technical training that actually works in a fight. Pastinha never wanted his personal expression of "Capoeira Angola" to be a sport, but rather a practice that retained the old Afrikan spiritual and cultural practices while rehabilitating the White Brazilian public perception of Afrika, Afrikans, our culture, etc. To that end, in directions written in his own hand, Pastinha forbade many well known fighting techniques from being used in Angoleiro rodas. He also followed the trend emerging in Salvador of the folkloric dance and practice of "capoeira" WITHOUT the fighting elements. The same fighting elements which he learned from his teacher Benedito when Pastinha was still a 10 year old skinny little boy. It's a certainty that Pastinha accurately read the racist political mood of all of White Brazil, and sought to avoid provocation of them by presenting his "Capoeira Angola" as noncombative. It was a vastly brilliant move which sought to reeducate Brazilians en masse and topple the corrupt ruling class by surreptitiously conquering minds and changing hearts all over Brazil.

 And for a time, it worked.

It took decades for White Brazil to catch up to the malicia of the old Mestre Pastinha. They had no idea that he pulled a chamada on them, but it's very hard to believe that Pastinha didn't have an inkling of what was forthcoming...given his knowledge of Ndongo [ miscalled "Angola" ] and its culture. His knowledge of politics, etc. Mestre Bimba, too, was very astute and never missed a single political trick or maneuver...even though he purposely steered clear of any political associations with anyone, in order to better achieve his personal goals for Regional and "Capoeira" as a whole.

Because Pastinha's teacher was from Ndongo [ "Angola" ] and "Angola" was always on his lips, he couldn't fail to note the growing unrest in Angola against the Portuguese during the exact same years that he was applying for his license in Brazil. Neither Bimba nor Pastinha missed one atom of the political developments of Angola, Mozambique and Kongo which simultaneously resulted in the use of Kipura against the most modern armies in the world. To the absolute terror and shock of White Europe and America, Kipura achieved a thoroughgoing defeat of and expulsion of the colonial powers of Portugal and Belgium, as well as propelling the increasing restrictions and sanctions that both Mestres Bimba and Pastinha suffered throughout the 1950's and early 1960's. These restrictions and sanctions matched event for event the happenings in Afrika, because the warriors uprising in Angola, Mozambique, and Congo practiced the very art that Bimba and Pastinha taught.

I am not remotely exaggerating. Here is the proof:




Compare the Timelines above with even the sanitized, suspiciously inaccurate Timelines provided by the Cardio Capoeira Organizations you are part of. Pay special attention to the times, places and dates that Mestres Bimba and Pastinha are giving plays, demonstrations, exhibitions. Notice how their activity and money generation gets less and less,  the more and more that Afrika gets closer to liberty. Notice how the opportunities for the Mestres get less and less the more that the poor agitate for human rights in Brazil. Even though neither Mestre ever directly got involved with any politics, they were still rabidly persecuted by the government of Brasil. Mestre Bimba even rightly suspected that one of his top students worked for the terrifying Secret Police of Brazil, who are responsible for many thousands of deaths, disappearances ,and atrocities of every form.

That's not by accident. That's on purpose. That's the government striking at the last two public faces for "capoeira" and "fighting capoeira"...until I came along, with my family and our NJIA UHURU KIPURA.

These restrictions accelerated and became more severe as various Communist and Socialist movements in Brazil gained traction especially among the poor and the Black poor people of Brazil, who were hardest hit by Brazil's corruption, oppression, racism, and deliberate lack of opportunity.  And the already paranoid, racist, sexist, elitist, brutal, oppressive, totalitarian Military Government of Brazil began to look at the Mestres more and more as a threat as time passed. No matter what Mestres Bimba and Pastinha did to alleviate such concerns.

The Brazilian government saw Mestres Bimba and Pastinha as the two who would teach the group worst treated in Brazil...Afrikans and those of Afrikan descent...the fighting techniques that continental Afrikans were using successfully to defeat continental European powers. Their concerns were very sensible from their perspective, because there is no denying the fact that both Mestres Bimba and Pastinha taught "capoeira", and "capoeira" was being used in Angola to overthrow Portugal.  The Military Government of Brazil knew of Kipura and knew that the Kipura of Kongo, Angola, Mozambique, Ghana, etc were thrashing European world powers, and the corrupt Military Government of Brazil feared that Brazil would be next.

The Brazilian government harassed the Mestres. The Mestres were investigated by the terrible secret police. A lot of students of the Mestres were threatened until these students stopped going to learn from The Mestres...thus removing the vital stream of income Mestres Bimba and Pastinha needed to have their own homes. Take care of their health. Raise and house their children. Etc.

 The Mestres didn't receive payment owed to them by the government, rich students, movie studios, companies, etc who made hundreds of thousands of reis [ Brazilian dollars ] off of using the likenesses and reputation of Mestres Bimba and Pastinha. Police spying upon and harassment of Mestres Bimba and Pastinha as well as, political and economic sanctions increased upon them. Bimba lost his academy and had to leave Bahia. Pastinha was ruthlessly tricked by the lying government of Brazil out of his own academy, which the government took from the old Mestre, converted into a restaurant, and never returned to him.

Some of these events are documented and recorded by drawing upon authentic history and the proofs of the paperwork of the well as the interviews of the people who were first hand books like this one below:

And then the worst thing happened.


The military coup de'tat of Brazil...supported by the racist, elitist, corrupt governments of America and Britain...happened. And the persecutions became brutal, public, and without end. Tens of thousands of poor Blacks were killed, disappeared ,brutalized, jails. Thousands of mestizos were similarly treated. Hundreds of Whites, and even a few dozen rich Whites, one of whom included a Gracie member...were arrested, brutalized, tortured. And nobody could do a thing about it.

Even worse for authentic fighting capoeira in Brasil, the Angoleiros of Angola were in full armed open revolt during the year 1964...and were beginning to rack up significant victories against the better armed, richer Portuguese armies. Traditional Afrikan warriors...the Engolo Kipura warriors whom the Portuguese thought they had extinguished...suddenly appeared by the hundreds out of nowhere, and flocked to the popular resistance movements of the day.

Most terrifying to Brazil and Portugal was the brilliant resistance created and led by the dazzling Holden Roberto. Reviving what must have been terrifying shades of complete failure and abject destruction for them, the Portuguese and Brazilians found out that Holden Roberto was not only a direct descendant of the royalty of The Kingdom of Kongo...the same Kongo whose Kipura warriors vanquished Portugal in The Battle of Kitombo, the same Kongo whose warriors formed kilombos in Brazil which have outlasted the forces of destruction and exist literally til this very day in 2016, a mind numbing 466 years after Afrikans were first brought to Brasil...Holden Roberto was widely reported to be an adept practitioner of Libanda and/or a Kipura warrior himself, by many of the media outlets during the 1960's.  CLICK HERE TO READ ABOUT HOLDEN ROBERTO

Holden Roberto bore some striking personality resemblances to both Mestres Bimba and Pastinha. Which drove the Military Government of Brazil wild with fear.

These combination of facts almost certainly led to the Brazilian government's focus on killing both Mestres Bimba and Pastinha, after removing them from their positions of power over Capoeira...and replacing them with White Brazilian Mestres who would never. Ever. Teach real fighting "capoeira" because they never learned it, White Brazilians politically not aligned against the Brazilian government, White men who were rich or at least Middle Class in almost every way...they had no interest in Afrika. Their loyalty lay with Brazil and their focus on making money with this new art form that they either [ very wrongly ] believed was actually a Brazilian invention [ thus allowing White people to lay claim to an Afrikan art, while in their mind excluding all Afrikans outside of Brazil from doing the same ]...or they gave not a damn about the politics one way or the other. They saw a rich moneymaking business opportunity to take over a new art, and receive financial and political support from a ruthless government that was destroying all those who opposed it.

They accepted the offer of the Brazilian military dictatorship. Which was smart. Because refusal of the Brazilian military government for any reason frequently led to deaths, tortures, deportations, and disappearances. The Brazilian military dictatorship was so brutal, so horrible, so inhumane, that Brazilian President Dilma Rouseff...herself a victim of brutalities and tortures at the hands of the Brazilin military government...cries as she reads the report detailing the horrors and crimes of the military government of Brazil.

And THAT is how you got to learn your Cardio Capoeira. And everything would be everything...

...Except. Along comes Head Coach Ras of THE ATACX GYM STREET WARRIORS. Showing the proofs and history of my NJIA UHURU KIPURA. And I show the real skills ,which none of your Cardio Capoeira Mestres know.

Remember. The roda acrobatics...more than the music...attracts interest in the art, and crowds of people. When...within a few months of training...most students learn that their teacher can't fight and can't REALLY do the cool acrobatics they like in REAL fights?  The students realize that their Cardio Capoeira Mestre is telling lies, and they leave.

I have myself on video doing real acrobatics in real sparring matches. Nothing fake. Against people from different styles. Including MMA. Nobody else in the world has that. Know why? Because I'm the only full spectrum real deal Head Coach of the art of NJIA UHURU KIPURA. And frankly...given the sorry state of the world in many areas regarding freedom, racism, sexism, etc? I'm offended that I'm the only person who knows this stuff. Many innocent lives would be saved if they, too, knew the truth...and our world would be a better place as a result. That's why I'm going to share what I know with you via the products on my website. Click here to go to my website: MY WEBSITE. PLEASE BUY INSTRUCTIONALS TEACHING HOW TO LEARN AND USE THE REAL NJIA UHURU KIPURA THAT I TEACH FROM MY WEBSITE

 I unveil the real history. The real truth. The continental and Diasporic Afrikan lineage of this art and others. The real history of Brasil and its corrupt leaders and the corrupt, sexist, racist practices of the leaders of your Cardio Capoeira organizations. I point out the common sense stupidity that your "self defense art" NEVER TEACHES SELF DEFENSE. Therefore...IT CANNOT BE THE REAL SELF DEFENSE ART OF MY ANCESTORS.

Now, YOU know the truth, too. What are you going to do about it? I hope you share this blog with your friends. Even if you disagree with me. A healthy, robust debate on the truth and the proofs that I show would be good.



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