GO HERE TO PURCHASE INSTRUCTIONALS TEACHING MY FAMILY'S ART OF NJIA UHURU KIPURA [ THE BEST SELF DEFENSE "CAPOEIRA" IN THE WORLD]: https://sites.google.com/site/atacxgymcapoeira/home I want to thank you for subscribing to my newsletter and/or sharing similar interests with me. Because you are subscribed to my newsletter? You will get first look at my new videos, you will receive special deals on my products, first look at new techniques, reviews of techniques, concepts and tactics, history, modern self defense, and more. The people on the Facebook Page of MixedMartialArts.com saw the video of my gun disarm, and began to display their ignorance. I destroyed their lies by saying and proving the truth. Right now? My video has over 2,300,000 views, 26,000 likes, 24,000 shares, nearly a thousand comments. MY VIDEO HAS THE MOST COMMENTS VIEWS LIKES AND SHARES OF ANY "CAPOEIRA" SELF DEFENSE VIDEO IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD. Now I'm going to tell you the t...