You read that title correctly. All good people of good heart, warrior strength, love, honor, justice, truth, valiant honor, and without racism? Read this. It concerns you. In Brazil, 1 Afrikan-American of either gender [ but especially boys and young men ] is killed by police violence EVERY 23 MINUTES. Just shy of 72 deaths per day. By the time you read this blog and have a drink of water, or coffee, or whatever beverage you prefer? ANTOHER AFRIKAN BOY OR MAN IN BRAZIL WAS MURDERED BY POLICE. The blog Black Women of Brazil wrote an amazing. Poignant. Heart breaking blog about this truth. To read the blog, touch here: ACCORDING TO STUDY, 1 BLACK YOUTH IS MURDERED IN BRAZIL EVERY 23 MINUTES Let me tell you something, friends. The report that the government of Brazil admits is proving that the military police is killing 1 man or boy of Afrikan descent every 23 minutes is disputed by my friends in Brazil. MY FRIENDS IN BRAZIL...ESPECIALLY THOSE LIVING IN FAVEL...