This International Self Defense Tip Of The Day comes courtesy of the country I live in...the United States of America...specifically, the state of Indiana. Five racist White men attacked one unarmed Afrikan-American for virtually no reason [ apparently a false claim of "trespassing" was made ]. They hit the Afrikan American male, dragged him out to the woods and literally called to their friends to "...get a noose for this boy!" Watch the video below: There are many things that I could recommend be done by the Afrikan American victim of this cowardly attack, but I tend to stick with the basics. The FIRST thing I teach my students is to recognize possible danger signs, and simply DON'T BE WHERE THE DANGER IS. Real hard to get victimized when you aren't there to be victimized. These lessons are drawn directly from my Tier 1 Strategies, and the first Lesson taught is: AVOIDANCE. When danger shows up looking for you? You should be long gone, leaving Danger to...