
Showing posts from November, 2023

#saveourkids #gundisarm SAVE OUR KIDS 1: GUN DISARMS

Save our children with my Njia Uhuru Kipura gun disarms. Advocate for legislation promoting responsible gun ownership, mandatory 40 HR gun training, and mandatory nationwide data centers to ensure criminals, the disqualified, the mentally unstable, and others attempting to game the system will fail and be punished for their transgressions. We must force our representatives to pass responsible gun control laws allowing for law abiding citizens to access firearms but preventing those whom would be a danger to society from being able to do the same. FOLLOW ME ON ALL MY SOCIAL MEDIA!! #atacxgymcapoeira #atacxgym #njiauhurukipura #kipura #atacxgymnation #atacxgymstreetwarriorcapoeira #headcoachras #atacxgymkenpo #asstcoachphatyl #blackgunsmatter #blacklivesmatter #blackmenmatter #selfdefense #disarm #gun #pistol #shooter #gunowner #guns #community #gundisarm #retaliate #protectmypeople #community #injusticeagainstoneisinjusticeagainstall #eyeforaneye #jointherevolution #welc...