"RACIST NONRACISTS", THE NEW THREAT:Racistas não-racistas: a nova ameaça

Racism isn't just a Klan rally. Racism isn't just someone shouting a racial slur. Racism includes job discrimination, even name prejudices that evoke a racial identity because the name is more Afrikan American or Latino...like Jaquan or Tamika, Esmerelda or Pedro...and many people who immediately make negative judgements about the quality of the applicant based upon the name alone.

"...Professors at the University of Chicago and MIT sent 5,000 fictitious resumes in response to 1,300 help wanted ads. Each resume listed identical qualifications except for one variation -- some applicants had Anglo-sounding names such as "Brendan," while others had black-sounding names such as "Jamal." Applicants with Anglo-sounding names were 50% more likely to get calls for interviews than their black-sounding counterparts...

...Most of the people who didn't call "Jamal" were probably unaware that their decision was motivated by racial bias, says Daniel L. Ames, a UCLA researcher who has studied and written about bias.

"If you ask someone on the hiring committee, none of them are going to say they're racially biased," Ames says. "They're not lying. They're just wrong."

Ames says such biases are dangerous because they're often unseen.

"Racial biases can in some ways be more destructive than overt racism because they're harder to spot, and therefore harder to combat," he says...

See? Racism isn't just police shooting unarmed nonaggressive compliant people of color who never broke the law in the first place. Racism includes the rabid people who defend such things. Racism infects everyone. Even the VICTIMS of racism, are themselves infected by insidious bias. That includes me. That includes you.

Compreende? O racismo não é apenas uma manifestação de Klan. Um tiroteio da polícia indefensável, e os povos raivosos que defendem tais coisas. O racismo infecta todos. Mesmo as VÍTIMAS do racismo, são elas mesmas infectadas por preconceitos insidiosos. Isso inclui-me. Que inclui você

This video from The United States of America shows an Afrikan American mental health professional who is already laying down on the ground, arms raised above his head, and who has already identified both himself as a mental health care professional and the other man in the video as a mental health patient to the police.

A police officer still shoots the unarmed, nonaggressive Afrikan American mental health professional. While the Afrikan American is laying upon the ground.

There are no public records showing that a White police officer has ever shot a White person under similar circumstances. This has never happened. In centuries. And yet? Many White people in the USA claim that such actions are not evidence of or necessarily caused by racism.

Este vídeo dos Estados Unidos da América mostra um policial atirando em um profissional de saúde mental afro-americano que já está deitado no chão, braços levantados acima da cabeça e que já se identificou como profissional de saúde mental e outro Homem no vídeo como um paciente de saúde mental para a polícia.

Um policial ainda dispara o desarmado, não agressivo afrikan americano saúde mental profissional.

Não há registros públicos mostrando que um policial Branco tenha atirado em uma pessoa branca em circunstâncias semelhantes. Isso nunca aconteceu. Em séculos. E ainda? Muitos brancos nos EUA afirmam que tais ações não são evidência ou necessariamente causadas pelo racism

In Brazil? Police actually execute innocent children, who are in compliance with the law.  No Brasil? Policial matam filhos inocentes, solamente pq sao pretos, pobres ou ambos.

Unfortunately, there are racists who profit by saying lies and making false claims to attack the victims, who are people of color, in these circumstances. People like Tomi Lahren in the USA and much of the media in Brasil are Far Right, inflammatory, confrontational with their verbiage, very racist...all while attempting to veil their provocative, incendiary comments with the veneer of patriotism, fairness, "anti-victimization" thought and logic.

Infelizmente, há racistas que fazem profitos dizendo mentiras e fazendo falsas alegações de atacar as vítimas, que são pessoas de cor, nessas circunstâncias. Pessoas como Tomi Lahren nos EUA e grande parte da mídia no Brasil são Extremamente Direitas, inflamatórias, confrontadas com sua verborragia, muito racistas ... enquanto tentam encobrir seus comentários provocativos e incendiários com o verniz de patriotismo, justiça, "contra -victimização "pensamento e lógica

Tomi Lahren in this video above says that statistics prove that Black men are 18.5 times more likely to shoot police officers than vice versa. WRONG. FactsCheck time.

The alarming "18.5 times more likely" statistic came from this pro-police blog cited in the national newspaper called The Washington Post . The "..18.5..." stat specifically is generally credited to one Heather MacDonald, a mainstay amongst the racists, and Republican Right wingers.

Of course, virtually everything that Heather MacDonald says is not only wrong, but laughably stupid. As this article by therantt.com reveals, Tomi's and Heather's data is wrong at every point.

Heather MacDonald is so blatantly racist that she can't prevent herself from populating her reports with stereotypically racist watchwords. For instance, she refers to Afrikan Americans as "the black", in the very sentence containing the slanted and inaccurate "18.5 times" data:

"...And an officer’s chance of getting killed by a black assailant is 18.5 times higher than the chance of an unarmed black getting killed by a cop."--HEATHER MACDONALD via THE VOLOKH CONSPIRACY, WASHINGTON POST.

Also, we must remember this fact: Absolutely everyone who is not racist at all and has lots of Afrikan American friends refers to a single Afrikan American or person of Afrikan descent as..."an unarmed black". Yep, that's not racist at all. Oh, wait. That's actually HELLA racist. So tell Heather and Tomi? "Bye Felicia".

So we already know where racist Tomi is coming from. She is getting racist ammo for her racist rants from racist blogs which have zero actual properly contextual facts. These blogs...and Tomi...are singularly committed to pursuing their racist, self aggrandizing, highly profitable agendas focused on lying, divisive, vitriolic fearmongering in order to terrorize many improperly educated Whites into being inbred racist extremists, while elevating these race baiting media personalities to the status of cult leaders of the racist media forms.

O midia de Brasil tmbm e de dereita e muito racista. Aun Joaquim Borbasa admite isso fato durante seu discurso  Ressaltando que neste ponto falava como acadêmico, e não como presidente do STF, Barbosa avaliou que esta característica pode ser percebida especialmente pela ausência de negros nos meios de comunicação e pela pouca diversidade política e ideológica da mídia.

Translation of the above: "Noting that he spoke as an academic and not as president of the STF, Barbosa considered that this characteristic  [ of the media of Brazil to be both Far Right and very racist in its reporting and all related activity ] can be perceived especially by the absence of blacks in the media and the lack of political and ideological diversity of the media..."

What does this have to do with White police officers maltreatment of Afrikan descendants? Everything. Because most of the atrocities we are subjected to not only are not only not reported [ because the police and legal system discourages reporting these actions and literally has zero punitive ramifications for officers engaging in such unjust, prejudiced and racist behavior ]...most of the actions taken against we Afrikan descendants and secondarily all people of color aren't glaring, blatant atrocities. They're SUBTLE biases which PERMANENTLY skew the perspective of the biased person against we Afrikan Americans...and that skewed perspective is prevalent among even some of us Afrikan Americans [ and not just the sellouts among us ]. In a study showing two White men fighting, one with a knife and the other unarmed...most people of all colors correctly identified the White man with the knife as the armed party. However, when a picture was shown of a White man carrying a knife attacking/fighting with a UNARMED Afrikan descendant,most people said that the Afrikan had the knife. Consider that. Even in a nonstress pressured situation, and shown a picture which they could and did study at their leisure, most of the respondents White and Afrikan [ according to the study ] WRONGLY concluded that the Afrikan held the knife. 

I immediately felt that this experiment was inaccurate. I engaged in a similar experiment, showing a White man obviously brandishing a knife attacking a unarmed White man, and then showed a set of pictures of a White man obviously brandishing a knife attacking a unarmed Afrikan descendant to 24 of my friends and acquaintances. All 24 speedily and easily correctly identified who was armed and who was not, and offered some observant commentary on the situation itself. But that commentary will be saved for another blog.

There are many. Many instances of horrible brutality by the police. But MOST of the incidents involving the police and Afrikan descendants result in less severe consequences than murder, brutality, or anything that would prompt a sensationalist news story. However, these "below the radar" violations against us DO start a virtually invisible but extremely virulent trend that has definitely deleterious and sometimes even devastating affects upon their Afrikan American victims.

Why? Because this trend gets us involved in the punishments of the legal system. We're logged as violators in the legal system. Once identified as violators? They look to institutionalize us. That means that schools, police, courts, and many average White citizens..the kinds who're quick to call the police on us on sight of us, regardless of what we do...all use their racism to collaborate en masse to  establish a school to prison and streets to prison pipeline for all Afrikan American people. Including children. Whether or not we commit a crime.

Click this link to see the research proving my words to be true: https://aapf.org/school-to-prison-pipeline

It's inevitable that our next encounters with the police... regardless of innocence or guilt... results in escalating punishments which we receive more of and the worst of, because of our skin color. We're fined. We're jailed. We're imprisoned. We're oftentimes attacked, brutalized, and/or humiliated during this process. Sometimes we're murdered. More often. And receive more severe punishment. Every step of the way. Purely because we're of Afrikan blood. 

Afrikan Americans are literally attacked and killed while we are in our own homes, despite the fact there were no calls for police to come to our homes and we were violating no laws. 



The solution? I already provided it years ago with my How I Teach Black Safety Sandra Bland blog post. Look it up. 

And I'm going to provide an even better solution soon, as this new solution? Will include what to do about this Coronavirus ( which I believe is man made, synthetic, designed to kill Afrikans especially, and more insidiously the first of several major public and daily life changes designed to keep the corrupt, racist Trump of the USA and Bolsonaro of Brazil types in power as the demographics of the world shift massively in favor of Afrika, Afrikans, women and the poor, oppressed of the world; but to get to the really interesting stuff? You have to read my blog where I break down all the data ).


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