I received a email last year from a viewer based in the United States of America. She says that she took a commercial Cardio Capoeira class because it was fun, kept her fit, and the instructor said that she was learning a "fight, a dance, and culture. I thought: 'Awesome! Have fun, get in shape, don't get hurt, and learn to kick ass if I have to. So when this girl at work was a bully. She threatened all the girls, and for a few days she just started in on me. She kept pushing me until I got fuckin tired of  it. But when it was time for me to defend myself? I thought I could use what I was shown in my Capoeira class. But none of it worked! I got my ass beat!"

The woman who emailed me...who requested that she remain anonymous for her safety and privacy, so I'll call her Skylar...said she tried doing the Ginga, Negativa and Role exactly how she was taught to do it in class. 

"The girl at work smacked me in the face, got on top of me and started punching me in the face some more."

To illustrate her situation? Skylar literally sent me these videos below. Skylar said to start the video below at 37 seconds in. In the video at that point, both women are standing facing each other. Skylar was shorter than her attacker, like the brown haired woman in the video is shorter than the pink shirted woman. And similar to what happened in this video, other people...strangers and coworkers...tried to separate the two combatants. Skylar admitted that she "..wanted to kick [ her bully's ] fuckin ass for tormenting me and everybody else at work..."

Right when everyone moves out of the way after failing to stop the two women [ the equivalent of around @0:40 in the video above ] the bully tried to punch Skylar. Almost exactly like the video shows the pink shirted woman trying to smack the shorter woman. Skylar successfully slipped the punch and went into her Capoeira Ginga.

 And for a second, she saw the look of confusion on her bully's face. "I saw [ the bully ] look at me like: ' What the FUCK is this bitch DOING?' She was all confused! I thought: 'I got her now!' But I didn't have her."

The bully quickly swarmed Skylar with slapping punches. Skylar was never shown how to deal with straight ahead fierce aggression in her Capoeira class, and hadn't been in a fight since Middle School [ Skylar is in her late 20's or early 30's now ], so she flat out wasn't prepared. The bully swarmed her, knocked her down, smacked her a few times in the face. Skylar was deeply stung by humiliation. Then the bully held her down, open hand smacked her face twice. Not hard, but emphatically. Letting you know you're wrong, you can't do that again or this will happen to you again. So learn your lesson. Like Old Skool adults used to do when they're popping the mouth of a child who used cuss words or is being verbally disrespectful. 

Then the bully...keeping both Skylar's arms pinned to the ground with one of the bully's arms...shook her finger in Skylar's face.

"Watch your mouth, little girl! Or get your big mouth and face slapped! And if HR hears of this..?"

The bully raised her hand back to slap Skylar full in the face. Skylar was completely defenseless. The bully feinted the slap convincingly,  and Skylar screwed up her face as she turned her head away from the incoming open palm. Braced for the impact of the slap...

...but it never came. The bully stopped the slap, stared deep in Skylar's eyes. "Yeah, you fuckin know..." the bully said. Then the bully laughed her derisive bully laugh, and got off of Skylar. Kept laughing as she walked away.

"That last thing she did to me? That slap that never came? Was somehow the worst of it all, Coach Ras!!" She confided to me via email. 

Skylar was so humiliated that she left work early. She couldn't hold back a brief jag of humiliated weeping in her car. 

And she was, in her own words, "...fuckin PISSSSSEED!!..." that she had to go through getting humiliated at work to find out her Capoeira teacher wasn't teaching her how to defend herself. 

When Skylar confronted her Capoeira Mestre for not teaching her how to use the Capoeira he teaches to defend herself, she says the Capoeira Mestre actually asked her why she didn't call the police. Skylar exploded. "When a bully is attacking me? I don't have time to call the police, and even if I did? The bully would have attacked me before they arrived. If I don't get trained how to fight? I could get beat up, robbed or God forbid even raped or killed...or all of those...before the police show up! Even if I call the police, I have to know how to fight and protect myself until they arrive. What if he's got a gun? What if it's a active shooter at work? What if I'm with my niece and some jerk tried to kidnap her? Do I just...let her get kidnapped because I can't protect her, but be sure that I call the police and get a good description of the perv who kidnapped her? She could be dead or raped or sold into human trafficking by then!"

Her Cardio Capoeira Mestre didn't have any answers for her. I told Skylar not to feel bad, because there are no Cardio Capoeira Mestres on Earth who could have answered her. 

Skylar said: "That's when my girlfriend [ MWALIMU MTAALAM RAS FLETCHER'S EDIT: I won't use her real name, let's just call Skylar's girlfriend 'Marcy' ] Marcy who goes to my Capoeira class told me about you, Coach Ras."

Marcy's boyfriend saw my viral gun disarm video...the world's first and only viral sensation gun disarm video from an Alkebulan miscalled African based self-defense system enthralling millions of viewers...and he loved it. He shared my videos with Marcy. Marcy liked my videos too, but life things happened that were more important, so Marcy forgot about me and my videos. 

Until she saw Skylar yell at their Cardio Capoeira Mestre. 

Marcy and Skylar bought my Instructional INTRODUCTION TO FUNDAMENTALS, and practiced what they saw there. They loved it. Just as my Instructional suggests, they practiced with each other privately first, honing the skills that I showed in my Instructional. Then they read the two ebook companions that comes with my Instructional. 

"I watched your Instructional...the INTRO TO FUNDAMENTALS thing...first. And I learned SO MUCH from you!  I knew right away by what you teach and how you teach it that you're the real deal and the Cardio Capoeira Mestres are fake. In the first 10 minutes of your video? I learned more than my girlfriends who did Cardio Capoeira for 2 years!

I finally began to understand Udanganyifu miscalled "malicia" in Brazil, and why Udanganyifu is your #1 Principle in Njia Uhuru Kipura making everything else work. I never heard of Udanganyifu before. I had to practice saying the word A LOT before I could SAY it! And the way you explain why so many Cardio Capoeira Mestres talk about "malicia" but never teach it or do it because they never learned real Kipura or real Udanganyifu? Makes total sense!! 

For the first time, I started SETTING TRAPS and actually TRICKING PEOPLE with my techniques! I can guide people into traps they NEVER SEE COMING! And I know how shocking it is to be caught by surprise with a Mbinu Kufagia...Sweeping Technique...because 'Marcy' caught me totally by surprise lotsa times in our training. You don't know it happened until AFTER you're smack on your butt or flat on your back! Its so funny, fun and teaches you alot at the same time! 

And the way you teach the Michezo Ya Ujuzi..."Games of Skill"...that we were taught in Cardio Capoeira are called "jogos" makes SO MUCH SENSE. That's how we can train with each other and NOT GET HURT but REALLY SLAP DOWN SOMEBODY IN A REAL FIGHT.

I had no idea there were SO MANY PUNCHES, ELBOWS, KNEES, HEADBUTTS, CHOPS and unusual STRIKES! Even though we sometimes see Cardio Capoeira people in my classes throwing elbows in the air, or pushing with their hands like they're playing pattycakes in the air, the training is so far away from what we really need to know? And the teachers suck so much? That nobody really pays attention to the use of hands, elbows, knees, headbutts, how to sneakily set them up to strike in crazy combinations at totally unexpected targets from the feet to the flanks, from the top of the head to the heels of our feet! You didn't miss one spot! I never saw so many techniques and moves from every plane of movement to the botyom, top, center, flanks, front and back of the body [ I never heard of or saw a combination attack where you can smack somebody in the face, head butt them in the side, crack em in the small of the back and inside of the thigh at the same time, force their hips and center of gravity all over the place, then push them flying somewhere. Or finish with a level change and throw them over the top of you until I saw your video. And it was SO SIMPLE AND SOOOO EFFECTIVE!!  ] using Udanganyifu.

Even though we practice our kicks n stuff in the air in Cardio Capoeira class, I never got a chance to experience how strong they are. I didn't know that the technical execution of our kicks, sweeps, tesouros and stuff sucked tragic balls, either, yet they still packed a pop.

But I had no idea how POWERFUL the techniques should be, until I learned how to KUZALISHA NGUVU..."GENERATE POWER"...with proper body mechanics. The way you teach us to generate power in our whole body, the way you synchronized your mind, intention, breath and your moves. Before I learned Kuzalisha Nguvu? My sweeps, kicks, and takedowns  sometimes just bounced off my training partners without doing anything. I remember one time in class, I caught this guy dead to rights with a Rasteira. He didn't even stumble, he just stood tall. Laughed. And said:"Good one!"

After 2 months of training your stuff with Marcy? I hit him with a Ufagio and he would have landed flat on his head and back, if I didn't catch his fall. Then I did it to him again, and when we changed partners? I did it to every partner in the class except Marcy and Mestre. 

I'm facing men, making their stances buckle, knocking them flying, and sweeping them off their feet like nothing! 

This is truly the only art where I can see a girl or woman can EASY take out a man bigger than her! Or even a couple men at the same time!

And! The genius way you use science! Whew! 

I know you kept talking about the need to read the companion ebooks that come with your video Instructional to understand everything right, but I admit I didn't do that until I practiced your techniques in your Instructional first for more than a month. So even though you kept saying it in your video, I had no real understanding how important it is to grasp that this whole practice is part of the African spiritual things, and that's how you integrate The Elemental Principle, the Animal Style techniques and things! It's not just some weird psychedelic talk, it really. Really! Makes a difference to know how to do a Stone Root Msimamo stance as opposed to a regular Msimamo stance! I was like:"Holy fu##! duuude!! I'm exCITED!!"

Lolololololol. I love Skylar. But I think I'll paraphrase the rest of her email. Her comments on my ebooks I'll save for other blogs.

She stayed with her Cardio Capoeira class, but she and Marcy trained with each other in my Njia Uhuru Kipura techniques on the weekends. They knew after the very first technique I showed that they could do everything I teach in their Cardio Capoeira class. So. After Skylar and Marcy practiced privately together for 2 months with the techniques I showed on my Instructional, they started gently using my Njia Uhuru Kipura the other students in her Capoeira class. 

Marcy and Skylar were blown away at the effectiveness of my Njia Uhuru Kipura. Students they couldn't come close to touching before? They were dominating. In fact they cleanly beat everyone, including the Graduados and all the higher belts. They even landed techniques consistently on/against their Cardio Capoeira Mestre...who had been doing Cardio Capoeira for 25 years, in contrast with Skylar and Marcy only training for 14 months total, including the 2 months with my Instructional.

 They absolutely loved the ways their bodies changed. Their friends...guys AND girls, family and strangers... noticed the rapid changes in their bodies. Feminine curves mated with athletic power to great effect. I'm not going to get into the personal details she shared, but let's say that bedroom activity frequency,  duration, and the number of times she initiated it daily all changed for the better. 

And let's say her boyfriend...we'll call him "Steve"...started doing my exercises and asked if I had things for guys, because Skylar was um...asserting herself over him, leaving him tired and private pleasurable activities. And Marcy was doing the same to her guy [ let's call him "Gary" ]. In December 2023? Steve and Gary each bought my Instructional,  and started practicing together. 

To the annoyance of their Cardio Capoeira Mestre,  more and more of their classmates were impressed by Skylar and Marcy. Time and again, their Cardio Capoeira family exclaimed in amazement, encouragement, support and wanted to know what Skylar and Marcy were doing. They could see how fast Skylar and Marcy were changing and improving, their techniques,  quality of movement, grace,  power, body sculpting, self confidence, quickness of thought and spontaneous adaptability  and they knew 100% it wasn't from what the Cardio Capoeira Mestre was teaching or doing in class. In order to keep the peace in the school, Marcy first then Skylar later started getting their classmates' numbers and recommending my Instructionals in private conversations,  rather than publicly proclaiming the benefits of my Instructional over Cardio Capoeira in class. 

Skylar and Marcy trained my techniques for one more month, going into December of 2023...

...when Skylar saw the bully starting in on the new girl at work. The new girl had barely been there a week. Skylar told the bully to leave the new girl alone. 

"You wanna make me?" the bully replied. "I'll slap you down like I did last time!"

Skylar said she was oddly calm. She knew she could smash the bully now if Skylar wanted to, and that knowledge gave her the confidence to not do so unless she was forced. 

"You wouldn't like the results if we had a rematch," Skylar calmly countered. Then Skylar asked the new girl if she wanted to sit next to Skylar. Skylar says the new girl scurried over to her before Skylar could even get the invitation fully out of her mouth. 

The Rematch happened that Friday, as Skylar was walking to her car. The bully...already with a small knot of about 8 people as onlookers, including the new girl...saw Skylar and marched right up to her. 

"Stay out of my business, bitch!" The bully announced. Then tried to splash Skylar with her hot coffee!!

Using my lessons, Skylar hit the Nyani Rahisi under the thrown coffee, completely dodging with a speed and ease that drew a :"WHOAAAA!!" from the 8 onlookers and even mildly surprised Skylar herself. 

"The coffee was SO HOT that it made a hissing sound as it hit the pavement in the parking lot! She would have burned a permanent scar into me if that coffee hit me! Right then and there I decided to take her down for good.

"Coach Ras, she came at me! Hard! She pushed me away from my car, grabbed at my hair. She missed my hair, thank God. Then she starts swinging slaps and fists to try to knock my head off! She's taller and bigger than me too. She's got like 5 inches and 50 pounds on me. But I did the Nyani Rahisi just like you showed on your videos and Instructional...

[ got to @0: 36-43  in this video below to see how to use Nyani Rahisi against somebody who runs into you, tries to push you down and is trying to knee and punch your head off, or if they're taller and bigger than you and they're trying to punch your head off ] 


and then I hit her with the Spear Combinations you showed on your Instructional. Those months training with your techniques with my best friend [ Marcy ] helped me big time. Knocked [ the bully ] stumbling backwards and down, just like you showed in your videos. She made this big:"WHUFF!" sound, grabbing her fat stomach as she went down. I almost laughed. Everyone else was like:"OHHHH!" 

It was so easy. 

 I told her: 'STAY DOWN!' And I walked away. 

But no. She stands up and here she comes again. Swinging like friggin She-Hulk.


I set her up so cool, Coach Ras! She came at me and I did the L-Pattern with the Pivot footwork on her. She flew by like a bull missing the matador. I was like:"You missed!"

My coworkers saw everything and were like:"OHHH!" Doing Joe Rogan faces, and everything.

I heard one of them go: "We gotta stop this!" But nobody moved.

I said:"No, I got this!"

She tried it again, I did the L again, and hit her with a Nusu Fremu Half Frame like you showed. She flies by me and SMACK on the ground she goes. 

I hear her gasping for air so hard! 

I admit it, I was liking this. So I teased her:"Im over here, sloppy bitch!"

My friends laughed.

She turned PURPLE she was soooo MAD. She got up. Put her dukes up. This time she didn't charge, she kinda walked slowly up to me. 

I started moving, feinted a punch at her face. She raised her hands up to try a sloppy block, and I popped her in the gut. Not hard, but she still backed away, grabbed her belly.

My friends laughed again.

That pissed her off so much? She just charged me swingin punches!

That's when I hit her with the cartwheel kick. 


I could have really kicked her hard, but I didn't because the cartwheel kick is so powerful that you can do permanent hospital damage to somebody. And they never see it coming, because you punch them in the leg or whatever from down low and they're surprised and hurt by that.

 A full powered cartwheel kick? Not even [ the bully ] deserved that.

 But I kicked her hard enough to knock her down between two parked cars, and she stayed there a while. Knocked her shoe and bra off, too. I didn't feel bad, because she's such a big bully that she needed to eat a whole bakery of Humble Pie."

What do you think of Skylar's situation? What do you think of the techniques I showed? Let me know. Leave your comments below. And follow all my social media for more exciting information. Thanks!


  1. That is quite amazing

    1. Hats off to Atacxgym Capoeira on having the available videos for viewing. In Coach RAS’s video it demonstrates-the art of defense; which is what poor Skylar needed after being bullied and trying to stand up for other victims. When starting a new art one needs to do their homework, and research. I’m glad your students are benefiting from a professional aspect of learning the correct techniques in Capoeira. And for the bully I’m overjoyed with her getting her butt kicked into reality! Thanks again for your amazing trying videos. Korryn from Cali!

    2. You've been very helpful! I love your comments! I am.only trying to help good people the best way I can, the way my teachers have always taught me to try to do.

  2. Wow. This is the difference between real, self defense instruction and cardio class. Each has it's place, but it's wrong to not let students know which they're studying. And, sadly, Capoeira has a reputation for being decorative or flashy in America. Obviously, it depends on who's teaching. But, I have to ask. Where do these people work, that they can have all of this bullying and actual fights without repurcussions? That's crazy.

    1. Thank you for your wonderful comments! Unfortunately my sense of social responsibility ensures that I couldn't reveal Skylar's place of work even if I knew it, which of course you know.


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