**Title: The Liberating Journey of Mwenekanda: Guided by Divine Intervention**


In a recent report by McClatchy News, the troubling case of Deputy Jonathan Espiritu, accused of domestic violence, brings to the forefront the alarming issue of abuse of power within law enforcement, and the fact that such abuses are almost never reported, encouraging continuing and worsening abuses by officers as time passes, as each officer believes they are within their rights to abuse others however they please, and are unlikely to face any punishment for their wrongdoings. 

Above is the video showing Mwalimu Mtaalam Ras Fletcher teaching a very effective strangle defense from Njia Uhuru Kipura, a powerful self-defense system which is renowned for its great women warriors, its genius at neutralizing larger, brute force aggression and skill attackers, and which would have helped the victim in this report below. 

Here is the report: 

“A deputy is accused of attempting to strangle a woman when she tried to end their relationship, California prosecutors say. Getty Images/iStockphoto A deputy is accused of attempting to strangle a woman when she tried to end their relationship, California prosecutors say. Jonathan Espiritu, 49, a San Francisco deputy, is facing multiple charges, including domestic violence, assault, false imprisonment, and stalking, the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office said in an April 9 news release. 

At his arraignment on April 8, Espiritu pleaded not guilty, denying all allegations, prosecutors said. Prosecutors did not immediately respond to McClatchy News’ request for information about Espiritu’s legal representation. 

In an email to McClatchy News, a San Francisco Sheriff’s Office spokesperson declined comment “at this time since it is an active investigation.” A San Francisco Police Department spokesperson also said there was no comment on Espiritu’s charges given the open investigation. 

The woman, whom Espiritu dated “on and off,” reported multiple occasions of abuse over eight months, to police on April 3 after she found a tracking device on her car, prosecutors said. The woman told police that Espiritu attempted to strangle her in her house “when she tried to end their relationship” last August, prosecutors said. Four months later, prosecutors said the woman told police he attacked her at her job. The woman also accused Espiritu of slapping her and threatening “to kill himself if she reported him to law enforcement” in March, according to prosecutors. 

Police arrested Espiritu near where the woman was filing a report, prosecutors said. Espiritu, who is being held without bail, is expected to appear in court again on April 19, prosecutors said.

Read more at: https://www.sacbee.com/news/california/article287528900.html#storylink=cpy

**Title: The Liberating Journey of Mwenekanda: Guided by Divine Intervention**

In the heart of Alkebulan, a young Fon teenager, burdened with the weight of oppression, seeks solace and guidance in the sacred rituals dedicated to Nana Buruku. Sneaking away to pray, she faces the looming threat of her captors, who seek to strangle her and exploit her vulnerability. But Nana Buruku, ever watchful over her devotees, sends forth The Ibeji, divine twins of evasion and liberation, to impart upon her the knowledge and skills needed to evade, elude, break, and escape all attempts at strangulation and bondage.

The Ibeji, revered in Yoruba mythology as the sacred twins, embody the principles of duality and balance, each complementing the other in a harmonious dance of cosmic forces. One twin represents the power of evasion, agility, and swift movement, while the other embodies the strength of resistance, resilience, and unyielding determination. Together, they form a formidable duo, capable of overcoming any obstacle and triumphing over adversity.

Drawing upon the wisdom of The Ibeji, Sabina learns the art of anticipation, sensing the subtle cues of her assailants' intentions and maneuvering with grace and precision to evade their grasp. She discovers the power of agility, weaving through narrow passages and slipping through the tightest of spaces with ease, leaving her captors bewildered and frustrated in her wake.

But it is not merely physical prowess that The Ibeji impart to Sabina; they also awaken within her a fierce determination to resist oppression and break free from the chains of bondage. With their guidance, she learns to harness her inner strength, channeling it into acts of defiance and liberation that inspire those around her to rise up against their oppressors.

Mwenekanda, later miscalled Sabina, was born into a lineage of warriors and leaders. Her mother, Aqualtane, along with her brothers, organized a revolt in the engenhas, freeing themselves and many others from the shackles of bondage. Together, they fled into the forbidding hinterlands and founded Ngola Janga, with the leader, Ngola, likely being a man named Janga or Jango, named after the warrior-king and Orisha Shango.

In this new settlement, Mwenekanda gave birth to the towering hero Nganga Nzumbi, later miscalled Zumbi dos Palmares. Nzumbi, along with his son Camuanga, continued her great vision of freedom for her people, carrying on the legacy of resistance and liberation that she had fought so valiantly to uphold.

As Sabina and her fellow Alkebulans flee into the forbidding hinterlands, The Ibeji remain ever-present, guiding their steps and lending them courage in the face of uncertainty. With their powers of evasion and liberation, they navigate the treacherous landscape with skill and determination, forging a path to freedom and a brighter future for themselves and their people.

In this tale of resilience and escape, Sabina's journey is a testament to the transformative power of faith, courage, and divine intervention. Guided by the wisdom of Nana Buruku and the protection of The Ibeji, she emerges victorious against all odds, reclaiming her freedom and paving the way for a new era of hope and possibility for Alkebulan and its people.

The story of Mwenekanda is a profound illustration of the enduring spirit and unbreakable will of those who resist subjugation. It showcases the deep-seated belief in spiritual guidance and the powerful impact of cultural heritage in overcoming oppressive forces. Mwenekanda’s reliance on the divine assistance of The Ibeji not only facilitated her physical escape but also fostered a spiritual resurgence among her people, who saw in her actions a beacon of hope and a testament to the power of unified resistance.

This narrative also underscores the importance of community and collective effort in the fight against tyranny. Mwenekanda's leadership, inspired by divine guidance, rallied her community to rise above their circumstances and forge a new destiny together. This communal resilience is a crucial element in their successful escape and the establishment of a new, free society in Ngola Janga.

Her story continues to inspire generations, embodying the ideals of freedom and self-determination. It serves as a reminder of the potential for greatness that lies within each act of courage and every call for justice, no matter how daunting the odds. Mwenekanda's legacy, rooted in the rich soil of Alkebulan and watered by the teachings of Nana Buruku and The Ibeji, grows as a timeless symbol of hope and renewal for oppressed peoples everywhere.


1. **"The Encyclopedia of African Religion"** by Molefi Kete Asante and Ama Mazama. Published in 2008. 789 pages. Molefi Kete Asante is a Professor in the Department of African American Studies at Temple University. Ama Mazama is a Professor in the Department of African American Studies at Temple University.

 They are renowned scholars in the fields of African studies and have contributed significantly to the understanding of African religious traditions.

2. **"Yoruba Mythology: A Reference Guide"** by Ayọ̀délé Ẹ̀yíndé Ádégbọla. Published in 2007. 312 pages. Ayọ̀délé Ẹ̀yíndé Ádégbọla is a Professor of African Studies at Obafemi Awolowo University in Nigeria. He is a leading authority on Yoruba mythology and has conducted extensive research on the subject.


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