
Showing posts from June, 2024

### Title: The Forgotten Art of Fist Fighting in Capoeira: A Historical Exploration **Word Count:** 600 **Reading Time:** 3-4 minutes

  ### Title: The Forgotten Art of Fist Fighting in Capoeira: A Historical Exploration **Word Count:** 600   **Reading Time:** 3-4 minutes --- The art of fist fighting, or **Lisana ya Maboko** in Lingala and **Ujuzi Mapigano wa Ngumi** or **Michezo wa Ngumi** in Swahili, was an integral part of the combat practices in Capoeira's early history. Raphael Bluteau, in 1712, misnamed this intricate and diverse martial art from Kongo as "Capoeira." Originally, Capoeira encompassed a wide range of fighting techniques, including open-hand strikes, headbutts, elbows, knees, sweeps, grappling, weapon use, and unique footwork, all of which were functional for combat. This comprehensive approach to combat was a hallmark of the Kipura techniques from Kongo. ### Historical Context and Migration Capoeira's roots can be traced back to the African continent, particularly Alkebulan and Kongo, where diverse martial arts were practiced. When enslaved Africans were forcibly brought to the N...

ENGLISH **Title: Enhancing Fist Fighting Skills with Smai Tawi: Comprehensive Exercise Sequences** **Word Count: 519 | Estimated Reading Time: 4 Minutes**

  **Title: Enhancing Fist Fighting Skills with Smai Tawi: Comprehensive Exercise Sequences** **Word Count: 739 | Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes** Smai Tawi, also known as Egyptian Yoga, is a discipline that combines physical postures, controlled breathing, and meditative techniques to promote physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. For practitioners interested in enhancing their fist-fighting skills, Smai Tawi offers sequences that integrate calisthenics, balance, stabilization, impact delivery, joint protection, and both isometric and dynamic tension exercises. These sequences are not only effective for strengthening and lengthening tendons but also for focusing the mind, accelerating recuperation from training, and utilizing visualization and autohypnotic protocols. This article explores three Smai Tawi sequences that can be linked together for optimal training benefits. ### Sequence 1: Ma’at Alignment Flow **Book:** "Smai Tawi: The Path of Balance" - **Author:** Dr....

PORTUGUESE TITULO: Outro Homem Branco Tentou Iniciar uma Guerra Racial Hoje

  Este é o título: "Homem do Arizona enfrenta acusações federais por planejar tiroteio em massa em Atlanta, queria iniciar 'guerra racial' Por Sam Sachs, 12 de junho de 2024 às 8:06 am EDT Homem do Arizona enfrenta acusações federais por planejar tiroteio em massa em Atlanta, queria iniciar 'guerra racial' ATLANTA — Um homem do Arizona foi preso em maio por planejar um tiroteio em massa em Atlanta com o objetivo de atingir afro-americanos na cidade para incitar uma guerra racial. Mark Adams Prieto é acusado de vender rifles para pessoas fornecerem armas para começar uma guerra racial antes das eleições presidenciais de 2024, de acordo com o Departamento de Justiça dos EUA. Ele foi indiciado na terça-feira por um grande júri federal, após uma investigação de vários meses pelo Federal Bureau of Investigation e sua prisão em meados de maio. Um depoimento juramentado apresentado em tribunal por membros da Força-Tarefa Conjunta de Terrorismo do FBI em Phoenix,...

**English Text:** **Title:** "Empowering Cardio Capoeira: Responding to Crisis Scenarios with Skill and Strategy"

  **Title:** "Empowering Cardio Capoeira: Responding to Crisis Scenarios with Skill and Strategy" **English Text:** Dear Cardio Capoeira Practitioners, Imagine you're driving in congested traffic. The traffic has come to nearly a standstill. Suddenly, a driver honks repeatedly, loudly, and very aggressively. He then maneuvers dangerously behind you in the static traffic. He's honking his horn loudly and rolls down his window, shouting profanities at you, demanding you drive faster. But you can't drive faster because the traffic is at a dead standstill in front of you. The aggressive driver gets out of his car, wielding a knife. As you roll up your window, he starts puncturing your tires with his knife. You can't afford to pay for new tires. He's also trying to damage your car's tail lights, which could cost you a thousand dollars in mechanic fees and traffic tickets combined. Then he starts banging on your rear passenger door and window, utterly terrif...


  Another White Man Tried To Start A Race War Today This is the headline: “ Arizona man facing federal charges for planning mass shooting in Atlanta, wanted to start ‘race war’ By Sam Sachs, June 12, 2024 at 8:06 am EDT Arizona man facing federal charges for planning mass shooting in Atlanta, wanted to start ‘race war’ ATLANTA — An Arizona man was arrested in May for planning a mass shooting in Atlanta targeting African Americans in the city to incite a race war. Mark Adams Prieto is accused of selling rifles to people to provide weapons to begin a race war ahead of the 2024 Presidential Election, according to the U.S. Department of Justice. He was indicted Tuesday by a federal grand jury, following a months-long investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and his arrest in mid-May. An affidavit submitted in court by members of the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force in Phoenix, Ariz. detailed how the investigation into Prieto began in October 2023. According to th...

**Title: Challenging the Status Quo: Fist Fighting Skills in Cardio Capoeira (Word Count: 397 | Estimated Reading Time: 2-3 Minutes)**

  **Title: Challenging the Status Quo: Fist Fighting Skills in Cardio Capoeira (Word Count: 397 | Estimated Reading Time: 2-3 Minutes)** This blog post addresses a common type of fist fight that occurs at any time in multiple places worldwide within human civilization. Specifically, it questions the absence of fist fighting skills in Cardio Capoeira, leaving practitioners wholly vulnerable to the common two-fisted attack employed by aggressors ranging from the youngest of children to the most hardened of criminals. How would Cardio Capoeira practitioners deal with such real-world fist fights? This question forms the crux of our discussion. **The Legacy of Kipura** Throughout history, Kipura warriors have embodied the spirit of jagunjagun, skilled combatants revered for their prowess in warfare. The term "jagunço" in Brazilian Portuguese is believed to have originated from "jagunjagun," drawing parallels between the martial traditions of the Yoruba people and the leg...


  **Unlocking the Legacy: Exploring the Roots of African American Fighting Styles in Montu (Word Count: 1,866 | Estimated Reading Time: 9-10 Minutes)** In the expansive realm of martial arts, a vibrant tapestry of traditions intertwines with cultural heritage and historical significance. Among these, African American fighting styles stand as symbols of resilience, creativity, and adaptability. From 52 Blocks to Jailhouse Rock, these combat forms share a common lineage deeply rooted in the Montu tradition, the Kemetic god of war. At its core, Montu embodies a legacy of strength, ingenuity, and survival originating from the ancestral homelands of Africa. It encompasses a synthesis of combat techniques, spiritual wisdom, and cultural expression. For centuries, African warriors honed their skills in Montu, mastering hand-to-hand combat, grappling, and weapon proficiency. Montu, being devastatingly effective, served as the self-defense system of choice for warriors who fled enslavement ...

### Nana Buruku 與植物 Orisha:為基普拉戰士帶來 Ashwagandha(估計閱讀時間:5-6 分鐘 | 字數:820)

  ### Nana Buruku 與植物 Orisha:為基普拉戰士帶來 Ashwagandha(估計閱讀時間:5-6 分鐘 | 字數:820) 在 Orisha 的神秘領域中,神祇統治著自然力量和人類存在,Nana Buruku,所有人的智慧和古老祖母,召集了與植物和治癒有關的 Orisha Osain 和 Erinle 進行了一次會議。Nana Buruku 對基普拉戰士和運動員的健康擔憂,他們是阿爾克布蘭人和 Waliotawanyika 人民中的戰士,尋求這些植物神的智慧,以增強她的人民的心理和身體表現。 **Nana Buruku 的懇求** Nana Buruku,以她的智慧和滋養光環,對 Osain 和 Erinle 發表了談話。「親愛的 Orisha,我們的基普拉戰士和運動員面臨著許多考驗,這些考驗考驗著他們的心理和身體極限。他們需要力量、耐力和韌性來克服他們遇到的逆境。我尋求你們的指導,為我們的人民帶來大自然的最佳療法。」 Osain,草藥和根的主人,以及 Erinle,身心療癒的治愈者,聽得津津有味。Osain,與森林隱藏的寶藏深深相連,首先發言。「Nana Buruku,在森林的心中有一種強大的草藥,被稱為 Ashwagandha。它在遙遠的土地上數世紀來一直受到尊敬,因為它的顯著好處。」 治療和治愈的 Orisha Erinle點頭贊成。「Ashwagandha,也被稱為印度人參,是一種強效的適應原。它幫助身體應對壓力,增強認知能力,並提高身體表現。讓我們將這種草藥帶給我們的基普拉戰士和運動員,以及所有記得 Orisha 的人,加強他們的旅程。」 ### **Ashwagandha 對基普拉戰士的好處** **1. 減壓** 基普拉戰士和運動員在訓練和戰鬥中經常忍受著高度壓力。Ashwagandha 以其降低皮質醇水平的能力而聞名,皮質醇是身體的主要壓力荷爾蒙。這種適應原有助於冷靜心靈,提高專注力,並增強整體的心智清晰度,使戰士能夠在壓力下保持冷靜。 **2. 增強睾酮** 對於男性基普拉戰士來說,保持最佳的睾酮水平對於肌肉生長、力量和整體活力至關重要。Ashwagandha 已被證明可以自然增加睾酮水平,從而增強身體表現和耐力。這種睾酮增加也有助於改善情緒和能量水平。 **3. 降低血糖水平** 與許多其他人一樣,基普拉運動員需要...

CANTONESE: ### 關於奧貢、Koy Bomba和耶瑪亞的故事:基普拉的持久力之謎 ###

  ### 關於奧貢、Koy Bomba和耶瑪亞的故事:基普拉的持久力之謎 ### 在奥里沙的境界中,铁与战争的强大之神奥古恩以及BaKongo族人的凶猛守护神和战士豹Koy Bomba,走向了所有水域之母耶玛亚。当他们谈论基普拉的未来时,他们的挫折感是可以感知的。基普拉是古老的武术和生活方式,在阿尔克布兰(非洲人)中根深蒂固。残酷的奴隶制度的恐怖已经将他们的人民分散到了美洲,他们担心基普拉在Watua Waliotawanyinka(分散的人民)中会失去方向。 奥古恩,他的眼睛像熔化的铁一样闪烁着,首先开口说话。“耶玛亚,我们所有人的母亲,基普拉如何才能在无情的奴役和压迫中生存下来?我们的人民被分散了,战士们寥寥无几。” Koy Bomba,他的声音像鼓一样回响着,补充道:“基普拉的力量和精神处于危险之中。当我们的人民被束缚和打败时,它如何能够持续下去?” 耶玛亚,她的存在如同深海般的宁静,聆听着他们的怨言。她知道他们关切的重要性,因为奥古恩的力量和Koy Bomba的凶猛一直是他们人民坚韧不拔的支柱。她向他们保证:“奥古恩,Koy Bomba,不要绝望。在我们的人民中,无论是在阿尔克布兰还是在Watua Waliotawanyinka之间,总会有基普拉的战士。基普拉的精神不能被锁链或残酷所扼杀。它在我们人民的心中生存。” 奥古恩和Koy Bomba抗议道:“但看看从15世纪到21世纪的苦难!战士们在哪里?基普拉在哪里?” 耶玛亚微笑着,开始点名每个时代崛起的战士: **17世纪:Ngola Ginga Mbande**:她带领她的人民激烈抵抗葡萄牙殖民者,利用她在基普拉上的精通来激励和保护她的人民。 **18世纪:Ngola Agayu**:他领导了许多反抗和逃跑,他在基普拉上的娴熟成为了美洲被奴役的非洲人中传奇般的存在。 **19世纪:Ngola Aqualtane**:一位19世纪的战士,他在搏斗和格斗方面的技艺成为了许多人的希望和抵抗的象征。 **晚18世纪:Ngola Teresa de Benguela**:她在巴西领导了一群逃亡奴隶的社区,建立了一个多年来抵抗殖民势力的据点。 耶玛亚继续说道:“还有成千上万的小规模叛乱和由基普拉战士领导的成功逃脱。这些反抗行为可能不被Wazungu(殖民者)记录下来,但它们被阿尔克布兰的神所见并记住。” 然后...