ENGLISH **Title:** Unveiling the Legacy of Kipura: Njia Uhuru Kipura and the Struggle Against Oppression **Word Count:** 662 words (Original article) + 759 words (Additional content) = 1421 words **Estimated Reading Time:** Approximately 7-8 minutes

ENGLISH **Title:** Unveiling the Legacy of Kipura: Njia Uhuru Kipura and the Struggle Against Oppression

**Word Count:** 662 words (Original article) + 759 words (Additional content) = 1421 words

**Estimated Reading Time:** Approximately 7-8 minutes

In a recent report by McClatchy News, the troubling case of Deputy Jonathan Espiritu, accused of domestic violence, brings to the forefront the alarming issue of abuse of power within law enforcement, and the fact that such abuses are almost never reported, encouraging continuing and worsening abuses by officers as time passes, as each officer believes they are within their rights to abuse others however they please, and are unlikely to face any punishment for their wrongdoings. 

Above is the video showing Mwalimu Mtaalam Ras Fletcher teaching a very effective strangle defense from Njia Uhuru Kipura, a powerful self-defense system which is renowned for its great women warriors, its genius at neutralizing larger, brute force aggression and skill attackers, and which would have helped the victim in this report below. 

Here is the report: 

“A deputy is accused of attempting to strangle a woman when she tried to end their relationship, California prosecutors say. Getty Images/iStockphoto A deputy is accused of attempting to strangle a woman when she tried to end their relationship, California prosecutors say. Jonathan Espiritu, 49, a San Francisco deputy, is facing multiple charges, including domestic violence, assault, false imprisonment, and stalking, the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office said in an April 9 news release. 

At his arraignment on April 8, Espiritu pleaded not guilty, denying all allegations, prosecutors said. Prosecutors did not immediately respond to McClatchy News’ request for information about Espiritu’s legal representation. 

In an email to McClatchy News, a San Francisco Sheriff’s Office spokesperson declined comment “at this time since it is an active investigation.” A San Francisco Police Department spokesperson also said there was no comment on Espiritu’s charges given the open investigation. 

The woman, whom Espiritu dated “on and off,” reported multiple occasions of abuse over eight months, to police on April 3 after she found a tracking device on her car, prosecutors said. The woman told police that Espiritu attempted to strangle her in her house “when she tried to end their relationship” last August, prosecutors said. Four months later, prosecutors said the woman told police he attacked her at her job. The woman also accused Espiritu of slapping her and threatening “to kill himself if she reported him to law enforcement” in March, according to prosecutors. 

Police arrested Espiritu near where the woman was filing a report, prosecutors said. Espiritu, who is being held without bail, is expected to appear in court again on April 19, prosecutors said.

Read more at: https://www.sacbee.com/news/california/article287528900.html#storylink=cpy

Kipura of Kongo, miscalled Capoeira by the racist and sexist Portuguese priest Raphael Bluteau in the year 1712, is the most well-known system for routinely taking on and successfully defeating those men and women who would abuse their power in any regard, for any reason. Bluteau's Vocabulario published in 1712 presented the mispronunciation, misspelling of Kipura as the misnomer "Capoeira", and that is how the word "Capoeira" came into popular vocabulary from 1712 until this present day, fundamentally altering the perception and comprehension of this martial art form.

**Njia Uhuru Kipura: A Cultural Heritage**

Njia Uhuru Kipura, developed by Mwalimu Mtaalam Ras Fletcher, represents a reclamation of the rich martial tradition of Kipura. Rooted in Swahili and Congolese culture, it seeks to restore the holistic practice and skills lost in other branches of Capoeira. Central to Njia Uhuru Kipura is its remarkable arsenal of techniques encompassing grappling, weapons training, and functional combat acrobatics known as S.W.A.T.T. (Street Warrior Acrobatic Tactical Training). This modernization of ancient Kipura techniques, *"mayele ya acrobatique mpo na komibatela"* (translated from Lingala in Kongo), and "kujilinda wa mwanasarakasi ujuzi" in Swahili both refer to the world-renowned acrobatic and agile skills of Montu warriors, encapsulating the essence of self-defense and empowerment.

**Combatting Oppression: Empowering Women and People of Color**

The legacy of colonialism has left a deep imprint on law enforcement institutions, perpetuating institutional sexism and racism. Women and people of color often find themselves uniquely vulnerable within these systems. The intersectionality of gender and race exacerbates their susceptibility to abuse and oppression at the hands of European or Arabic law enforcement.

The case of Deputy Jonathan Espiritu underscores this reality, highlighting the predatory nature of colonial law enforcement towards marginalized communities. The steep institutional barriers, coupled with socio-cultural and political disparities, create an environment ripe for abuse of power. As a result, initiatives like Njia Uhuru Kipura become not just a means of physical self-defense but a form of resistance against systemic oppression.

**Resistance and Empowerment Through Njia Uhuru Kipura**

Njia Uhuru Kipura serves as a beacon of hope and empowerment for those navigating the complexities of societal injustice. By reclaiming and revitalizing the martial traditions of Kipura, practitioners transcend mere physical combat; they embody a spirit of resilience and defiance against oppression. The comprehensive training in grappling, weaponry, and combat acrobatics equips individuals with the skills needed to assert their autonomy and defend against aggressors.

Moreover, the ethos of Njia Uhuru Kipura extends beyond the confines of physical confrontation. It fosters a sense of community and solidarity among its practitioners, providing a support network for those marginalized by society. Through shared experiences and collective empowerment, individuals find strength in unity, challenging the status quo and advocating for social justice.

**Cultural Preservation and Global Outreach**

As guardians of cultural heritage, it is imperative to preserve and propagate traditions like Njia Uhuru Kipura. Beyond its intrinsic value as a martial art form, it serves as a testament to the resilience of marginalized communities in the face of adversity. Through initiatives like ATACX GYM Capoeira, the teachings of Njia Uhuru Kipura are disseminated globally, empowering individuals from diverse backgrounds to reclaim their agency and assert their rights.


- "Vocabulario Portuguez e Latino" by Raphael Bluteau

- "The Empire of Kongo: A Concise History" by John K. Thornton

- "Breaking Rank: A Top Cop's Exposé of the Dark Side of American Policing" by Norm Stamper

- John Henrik Clarke's articles on The Empire of Kongo

- "The Gendered Society" by Michael S. Kimmel

- "The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America" by Richard Rothstein

- "Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches" by Audre Lorde

dontstop, neverquit, keepgoing, #forever #neverstop #cantstopwontstop #dontquit #neverquit #stayhard #onward #forward #neverends #neversurrender #motivation #dailymotivation #icandothisallday #forthewin #rebel #revolt #fight #rise #riseabove #win #winner #champion #heart #determined #atacxgym #atacxgymcapoeira #njiauhurukipura 

**Connect with Us:**

Website: [ATACX GYM Capoeira](https://sites.google.com/view/atacxgymcapoeira/home)

YouTube: [ATACX GYM Capoeira](https://youtube.com/c/ATACXGYMCAPOEIRA)

Instagram: [atacxgymcapoeira](https://instagram.com/atacxgymcapoeira/)

Twitter: [@atacxgym](https://twitter.com/atacxgym)

Blog: [ATACX GYM Capoeira Blog](atacxgymcapoeira.blogspot.com)

Facebook Group Page: [Capoeira Self Defense That Works](https://www.facebook.com/groups/capoeiraselfdefensethatworks/)

Facebook Page: [ATACX GYM Street Warrior Capoeira](https://www.facebook.com/AtacxGymStreetWarriorCapoeira)

This comprehensive approach to self-defense and empowerment is a testament to the enduring legacy of Njia Uhuru Kipura and its capacity to effect positive change in the face of oppression.


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